Causes of Pregnancy Back Pain

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Generally speaking, lower back pain during pregnancy isn’t a cause for concern, but it’s still something that should be checked into, as in some cases it might be a warning sign of a serious abdominal problem, including miscarriage. So, before you panic, read through this information. It should help you determine whether or not your… Read more »

Complications of a Ruptured Ovarian Cyst

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The most common problem with diagnosing a ruptured ovarian cyst is that the major symptom is similar to the occurrence of a normal ovarian cyst. This means that the pain is centered around the pelvic area. For most women, an ovarian cyst will develop without symptoms and disappear without the need for any medical intervention…. Read more »

Fight Osteoporosis With Milk

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One of the most common problems faced by women with advancing age is pain in the joints accompanied by fracture at the slightest of injuries or minor falls. This is due to the weakening of bones – a condition known as osteoporosis.

Signs of Low Libido in Women

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At some point in an adult females life is to encounter problems regarding their sexual life. They have difficulty in achieving orgasm and intercourse can be very painful. Medical practitioners define this problem as low libido.