As you may know, the body generally contains yeast. However, when this yeast overgrows, yeast infections occur which are characterized by an off white discharge, itching, burning and painful urination. So what exactly causes this overgrowth of yeast in the body?
Posts Tagged: overgrow
Discover How a Weak Immune System is the Reason Why Yeast Infections Start
In case you didn’t already know, what we generally refer to as ‘yeast infections’ are really just an overgrowth of Candida albicans which then proceeds to invade our body and wreck havoc (so to speak!). Frankly speaking, this Candida albicans really isn’t much to be feared at all, and in fact it is present in… Read more »
Remedies For Yeast Infection – Finally You Can Be Free From Burning, Severe Itching and Discomfort
Yeast infection is a common kind of infection in women caused by the overgrowth of fungus candida. All women have yeast in their vagina but they tend to multiple rapidly under abnormal condition as pregnancy and use of antibiotics. Symptoms are itching, burning sensation and irritation in the vagina. Are there remedies for yeast infection?
Candida – What Are the Symptoms and Cures?
Candida Albicans is a fungus overgrowth found generally in the moist areas such as the rectum, vagina, or mouth. When certain external factors create changes in the environment of the body, Candida Albicans gets infectious. No specific reason can be pinpointed for occurrence of Candida infection.