Vaginal fungus among women is quite common. The causative agent responsible for the infection is a yeast called Candida albicans. The infection occurs when the number of these organisms increases to a certain level.
Posts Tagged: Organ
Candida Albicans Natural Treatment – Using Alternative Medicine for Treating Yeast Infections
Candidiasis is a disease caused by the overgrowth of any of the fungal species in moist and warm areas of the body. Of the species of fungi, Candida albicans is the most common disease-causing type. Although, it is normal for fungus to inhabit the skin, when there are breaks in the integrity of the skin,… Read more »
Anatomy of the Breasts
The breasts main function if to produce milk for the child. Each of the breast have milk producing lobes that make milk from water and nutrients they acquire from the bloodstream. Milk ducts then carry the milk to the nipple from the milk lobes. The lobes can be resembled with grapes, and the ducts with… Read more »
Hemorrhagic Cyst – What Is A Hemorrhagic Cyst And Is Bleeding Bad?
The human body is a remarkably complex organ. In almost all instances, thousands of cells work perfectly in harmony to create tissues, organs and systems. When you think about how amazing that is, the mind boggles.
Vaginal Yeast Infection – Things You Need To Know
Vaginal yeast infection, as scary as it sounds, is caused by a microorganism, a fungus called candida, which naturally occurs in human body. It is present in the skin, mouth, gastrointestinal system and also genital parts of the women body. In fact, it is perfectly normal to have yeast in the vaginal area for a… Read more »
Avoiding Candidiasis – 3 Proven Ways to Avoid Yeast Infection
Candidiasis or yeast infection is an embarrassing and annoying problem of most women. It is caused by the fungus Candida, a normally occurring microorganism in the human body. The fungi are harmless when kept in controlled quantity. But the rapid growth of the fungi triggers the occurrence of the infection.
Ovarian Fibroids – Should You Worry About Fibroids in Ovaries?
When a woman is informed that she has ovarian fibroids, she may not know what this condition entails, thinking it means cancer or a need for major surgery. Actually fibroids on the ovaries, twin reproductive organs that produce eggs and female hormones, are generally benign and only need to be treated if they are causing… Read more »
Finding Relief From Thrush – Get Rid of Candida Infections
Thrush or Candidiasis is a disease that affects not only women but also men, babies and even older people. It is commonly known as yeast infection. It is a fungal infection caused by the overgrowth of Candida, a naturally occurring yeast or microorganism in humans found on the skin, genital area and gastrointestinal tract. Sufferers… Read more »
Stop Your Chronic Yeast Infections Forever
The problem with yeast infections is that yeast is a natural part of the human body. It only becomes a problem when the yeast grow out of control. This often happens either because the body’s pH balance is off, or because other organisms, which are the natural enemies of yeast, have been killed off, which… Read more »
Best Exercises to Tighten the Vagina – Tips to Make Your Vagina Tighter and Stronger
During the first few years into your marriage, sex feels great. Your vagina isn’t too loose and this helps your man enjoy every bit of it. But ten years and three children later, what was once a great sex life has turned into something stale and boring. This may be due to the fact that… Read more »