If you are searching for the effective yeast infection home remedies that really work then you are in the right place. This skin infection mainly occurs because of the fungus known as Candida Albicans. There can be several reasons for this disease.
Posts Tagged: Occurs
Natural Relief From Yeast Infection Now
Yeast infection, also known as candidiasis (pronounced: can-dih-die-uh-sis), is the name for a common infection caused by a yeast called candida albicans (a type of fungus). Candida can overgrow for many reasons, stress, pregnancy, and illnesses to name a few. It usually occurs in warm, moist parts of the body, such as the mouth and… Read more »
Symptoms of Low Progesterone
Progesterone is an important female hormone. It is produced by the ovaries and it is responsible for many changes that take place in the body. It causes changes in the uterus during the fag end of the menstrual cycle by ensuring that the uterus is prepared to receive the fertilized egg. It also helps to… Read more »
Are Antibiotics the Most Successful Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis?
A vagina is host to ‘friendly’ bacteria that help keep the ph levels balanced and thereby continuously disinfect the region. Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) occurs when the ph levels in the vagina changes so that anaerobic bacteria can grow in excess and overcome the ‘friendly’ bacteria.
Cure For Yeast Infection – Tips and Solutions to Get Rid of Yeast Infection As Quickly As Possible
Yeast is a normal occurrence in the vagina. No vagina has ever been without any small amount of yeast. It can be considered a natural habitat of this fungus. But when the number yeast has grown to ridiculous proportions, that’s when infection occurs. It’s a good thing this malady is totally curable.
Natural Ovarian Cyst Relief Secrets and Natural Cures For Cysts
Many times, ovarian cysts are considered to be a normal part of a woman’s menstrual cycle and are asymptomatic. There are times however when the symptoms can be prominent and painful. When this occurs you may find this list of natural ovarian cyst relief secrets to be just what you need.