Around 30% of women will develop uterine fibroids during their reproductive lives, but this also means that a higher proportion do not. You might wonder what it is which causes some women to have fibroids and some to be completely free, and the answer is not a simple one. There are a number of reasons… Read more »
Posts Tagged: number
Fertility Concerns After Breast Cancer Treatment
More than 12,000 women under the age of 40 are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women under 40. The number of cancer survivors of reproductive age in the United States is now estimated at about 500,000.
Vaginal Itching Relief – A Comparison of Products and Methods
When we have an annoying health issue, such as vaginal itching, most of us will head to the pharmacy to find a product to relieve the itch. Products that contain benzocaine are designed to block or dull the itching sensation in the nerve endings in and around your vagina. Anti-fungal drugs have a number of… Read more »
Vaginal Thrush – What Is Vaginal Thrush and What Treatment Is Available?
Vaginal thrush is an infection caused by the fungus Candida albicans. It is also known as Candidiasis or monilia. It is also more commonly known as a yeast infection. Candida albicans is found naturally in small numbers on the skin and inside the vagina.
Simple Home Treatments For Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis is a fancy name for a simple issue. It happens when bad bacteria invade your vagina and begin to outnumber the good bacteria, which are supposed to live there. The results can be an itchy red rash on the outside of your vagina, a bad smell coming from it, disgusting discolored discharge and… Read more »
Do Women Need Weight Training in Order to Maintain a Healthy and Fit Body?
Over the last decade, researchers have made extremely compelling arguments for the benefits of weight training for women, especially those over the age of 50. Still, the number of women who take this recommendation to heart is quite low. Most women who exercise are spending most of their gym time on cardiovascular equipment, such as… Read more »
Some Useful Remedies For Candida
There are many remedies for candida which can be effective and help you to overcome common symptoms such as itching and general discomfort. Many people will experience this at some point in their lives but thankfully it is something which we know a lot about and can be treated in a number of different and… Read more »
4 Types of Ovarian Cysts
There are a number of different types of cysts that can form on the human body, and there are also different types of ovarian cysts that can form on the ovaries. The majority of ovarian cysts are considered harmless and many are a very part of the natural process of life. Cysts will generally form… Read more »
4 Types of Ovarian Cysts You Need To Know
Throughout a woman’s lifetime, she will experience a number of ovarian cysts. Thankfully, many of the cysts that will form and grow will not cause any medical issues. However, it is possible for an ovarian cyst to cause symptoms that will concern the woman. Preventing cysts is the goal and being educated about the 4… Read more »
Are Breast Enhancement Pills Safe?
Over the years, the number of women resorting to breast pills are increasing by leaps and folds. For years now, women had been suffering from insecurities over smaller breasts, especially after giving birth to a child, or undergoing procedures like removal of breast implants or weight loss.