Mother of all Migraines from NBE?

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I got back a couple hours ago from the ER after having a horrific migraine since Wednesday afternoon July 9th, so three days. This sucker wouldn’t respond to anything and they even had to load me up in the ER with all sorts of stuff til it was bearable. I’ve NEVER had one like that… Read more »

Should You Take Bee Pollen During Pregnancy?

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Pregnancy is undoubtedly the most amazing time of a woman’s life where she nurtures another life in her body. But this period is also of utmost care and precautions as even the slightest of mistakes can be fatal for not only the mother’s health, but can also effect the life inside you as well.

The Basics of Postpartum Depression

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Postpartum depression can be a very real problem for mothers. Many mothers feel some “ups and downs” after their babies are born. The sad feelings are commonly called “the baby blues.” Though a mother may feel down when she’s not getting enough sleep or can’t comfort her baby, the feeling doesn’t persist. Postpartum depression is… Read more »

How To Get Your Body Back In Shape

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The new baby has arrived. As a new mother, your body has changed in the last few months. You have stretch marks and you have gained weight. With diet and exercise, you can lose the weight and strengthen your muscles.

Mommy Makeover

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Pregnancy, one of the divinely gratifying experiences of life, marks a foray into the motherhood. But at the same time it also brings with itself a hoard of nasty bodily changes like sagging and disproportionately shaped breasts, wobbly stomach, hideous stretch marks, increased pigmentation and augmented hair fall.