Menopause and Its Common Symptoms

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As women reach the menopausal stage they experience many different symptoms. Just like pregnancy and labor, every woman is different. Symptoms vary from bearable to terrible pain and discomforts.

What Is the Normal Menopause Duration?

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Menopause is highly genetic, so it is understandable that by learning about your mother’s menopausal experience, you will be able to predict your own. If your mother had a menopause duration of five years, chances are that yours will be about the same, too.

Menopause Treatment: During the Alteration of Life

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Menopause takes place to ladies who are within their middle ages. It is the permanent end of monthly periods and fertility, identified as occurring 12 month after your last menstrual period. As a woman ages, the function of ovaries and the production of certain growth hormones progressively declines.

Menopause And Sexual Desire: Yes It Can Happen!

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Are you seeking information on menopause and sexual desire? If so, then you’ve come to the right place. This article was written as a resource for those who are curious about this universal affliction; one that affects both men and women as they reach middle age.

How To Cure Vaginal Dryness In A Natural Way?

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A common problem associated with menopause is the vaginal dryness. It is a female problem that comes with aging. In the cycles of perimenopause and pre menopause, you would find that dryness is setting in vagina which would reach its maximum form when the menopause sets in completely.