Bacterial Vaginosis: Symptoms And Treatment

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The majority of women will suffer from bacterial vaginosis at one point or another during their lifetime. It’s been estimated that as many as 3 out of every 4 women will experience at least a moderate vaginal infection. It’s most likely to occur while a woman is fertile, but hormonal changes during menopause could also… Read more »

Menopause Supplements – A Natural Menopause Treatment

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For many years, the most highly recommended menopause treatment appeared to be hormone replacement therapy (HRT), however in later years a large research called the Women’s Health Initiative concluded that the long-term use of estrogen or progesterone, as well as estrogen blend therapies triggered a greater chance of blood clots and stroke in women. Because… Read more »

What Are The Symptoms of Menopause?

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It is very important to realize that it is innate for every woman to undergo a life process known as menopause; it is a stage in a woman’s life when her fertility cycle ends; it is during this stage that ovaries halted producing the hormone estrogen and the reproductive cycle starts to deteriorate. Generally, when… Read more »

Hormones and Menopause – What You Should Know

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Hormones and menopause are frequently much discussed topics during the menopause transition. Most of the time, the menopause transition is characterized by hormonal imbalance. In this article I will review the two hormones that are the most affected and what can be done for the relief of menopause symptoms.

Hormones and Menopause – What Are Bioidentical Hormones?

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Women lose hormones as they get older. While the menopause transition usually occurs around age 50, perimenopause, the transition to menopause can start in the early thirties. Hormones and menopause is an important topic because most if not all the premenopause and menopause symptoms are due to hormonal imbalance.

Relief From Menopause Symptoms – Some Natural Solutions

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The menopause transition is a time of hormonal imbalance for most women. With the hormonal imbalance comes symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, fatigue, depression, vaginal dryness, etc. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, you may be able to get relief from menopause symptoms through natural treatments. Here are some tips to… Read more »

Discussing Menopause

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Women of today are lucky because menopause is a subject that can be discussed openly, there is plenty of information available and no woman should feel she must suffer alone. Not so many years ago menopause could only be discussed in closed circles; very little was known about it and it wasn’t even recognised as… Read more »