While menopause can result in many different symptoms it does appear that night sweats is one of the more annoying symptoms and tends to occur in almost 75% of menopausal women. During menopause women produce less progesterone and estrogen. This can result in the hypothalamus in the brain receiving mixed messages. The pypothalamus is like… Read more »
Posts Tagged: menopausal
Treating Vaginal Dryness The Natural Way
Vaginal dryness is the most discouraging thing that can happen to a menopausal woman. There are many known symptoms that are experienced with the onset of menopause but women are distressed most with this condition. This happens due to the decrease in estrogen production as women age and as a result, there is thinning of… Read more »
Estrogen Alzheimer’s Dilemma
It’s hard to know what to think when women are told to avoid taking estrogen for relief of menopausal hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings and depression and then are told in new research that estrogen may potentially protect against Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders. Estrogen influences language skills, mood, attention and a number… Read more »
Going For The Most Effective Uterine Fibroids Treatment – Eliminating Fibroids Naturally
Uterine fibroids are benign growths that develop within the muscle tissues of the female womb or uterus. Nearly all fibroid growths do not call for therapy and should just be observed for indications of ongoing expansion. Almost all fibroids grow when ladies begin to advance in age and often shrink or reduce in size immediately… Read more »
Menopause and Its Common Symptoms
As women reach the menopausal stage they experience many different symptoms. Just like pregnancy and labor, every woman is different. Symptoms vary from bearable to terrible pain and discomforts.
What Is the Normal Menopause Duration?
Menopause is highly genetic, so it is understandable that by learning about your mother’s menopausal experience, you will be able to predict your own. If your mother had a menopause duration of five years, chances are that yours will be about the same, too.
Lingering Hot Flashes Can Be A Cause For Heart Trouble
Hot flashes are irritating and annoying symptoms of menopause. A large percentage of women in their menopause suffer from the problems of severe hot flashes. Even the women who are in their post menopausal year, they also suffer from the problem suddenly at any time of the day.
Female Sexual Arousal Disorder – Pharmacotherapy Part 1
Sildenafil is the first pharmacological treatment that has been investigated on a reasonable scale in controlled studies with female subjects. In the very first laboratory study, 12 healthy premenopausal women without sexual dysfunction were randomized…
An Overview of Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by loss of calcium from the bone matrix. It is typically a disease of post-menopausal women and elderly males. Although it tends to affect both males and females, females are more prone to the adverse effects of osteoporosis.
Hormone Replacement Therapy Risks
A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association about Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) stated, “Results of a new Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) report show that hormone therapy is associated with an increased the risk of death from breast cancer, as well as an increased risk of developing invasive breast cancer in… Read more »