If you have fibroids, you may already be aware that your treatment options as far as conventional medicine is concerned is severely limited. Both surgery and drug treatment to suppress estrogen are only temporary measures as they do not remove the causes of fibroids.
Posts Tagged: medicine
Easy to Use Bacterial Vaginosis Cures
Bacterial Vaginosis can easily be cured by you using natural cures but doctors mostly prescribe strong medication for its treatment. Most of these medicines do not work really well. The most common Bacterial vaginosis cure told by the doctors is the usages of antibiotics but most of the women who are using this method of… Read more »
Looking For A Good Home Remedy For Bacterial Vaginosis and the Foul Odor it Causes?
Are you suffering from recurring bv? There is absolutely no point in trying to mask the odor with perfumed products and cosmetics. Using these chemical based products will only worsen your condition rather than treating it. In case you are a chronic vaginosis sufferer you must be desperate to find a permanent cure. Most women… Read more »
Treating Bacterial Vaginosis With Alternative Herbal Medicines
The vagina is a very sensitive area that houses both the good and bad bacteria. For this reason, a woman must be clean at all times.
Vaginal Dryness Natural Home Remedies
If you are one of those women experiencing vaginal dryness, it can be good to know that there are a lot of things you can do about it. There are both medicines that you can get from your gynecologist or doctor and natural remedies that you can either get from on your own or from… Read more »
What is the Best Yeast Infection Medicine? The Best Medicines to Take For Yeast Fungus
There is a fungus that normally lives in the vagina in small numbers, which is most often referred to as yeast. If you experience a vaginal yeast infection it is because too many yeast cells are growing in the vagina.
How to Get Rid of a Yeast Infection Without Medicine
Yeast infection is commonly caused by a fungus called Candida Albicans, now this type of fungus is already part of our body, so most of the time it is harmless. The only time that the fungus becomes an infection is when there is a major imbalance in our body. This major imbalance will set off… Read more »
Why Curing Bacterial Vaginosis Naturally is the Best Option
If you have BV, then you are certainly not alone! This very common condition affects most of us at one time or another during our adult lives. Although some women are lucky enough just to have an isolated outbreak which rights itself without intervention, most of us will suffer from repeated outbreaks, often over many… Read more »
Antibiotics For Bacterial Vaginosis – Do They Work?
The problem with bacterial vaginosis is that it is not a condition which you can “catch”, indeed there are various causes of BV and the key to a cure is not as straightforward as a single, one-dimensional antibiotic treatment. The role of antibiotics in medicine is to kill off bacteria and this is the reason… Read more »
Three Valuable Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis
Home remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis have increased in popularity in the last few years. In some cases, people are either too skeptical or scared to ingest or apply any medicines and creams around the vaginal area.