These days, a lot of women around the world experience a common reproductive problem. A much recognized form of reproductive infection which is called as Bacterial Vaginosis or BV. This can be very alarming with in women because the disease is known as a recurring type, after being treated can still be acquired. The illness… Read more »
Posts Tagged: medicine
Scientifically Approved Way of Treating Bacterial Vaginosis Instantly
Sick and tired of the uncomfortable feeling brought to you by the most common reproductive disease in women which is called as Bacterial Vaginosis or BV? Are you weary and fed-up of buying such expensive over the counter medicines just to get rid of the disease forever but then BV continues to attack you? The… Read more »
Chinese Medicine For Fibroids
Contrary to popular belief, Chinese medicine for fibroids does not simply comprise of a prescription or recommendation for Chinese herbs which when taken, will miraculously cure your fibroids. It is more a protocol, based around the belief that a person’s entire life needs to be balanced and that if the body is out of balance,… Read more »
STOP Pre Menopause Symptoms Naturally – Stay Healthy and in Control – Find Out How
Low levels of progesterone and estrogen are to blame for pre menopause symptoms, most women today opt to treat pre menopause symptoms the natural way. 2 reasons, they do not have to deal with the side effects from conventional medicine and natural remedies are a lot cheaper and a much healthier alternate.
An Eastern View of PMS Treatment
Between 22% and 40% of women feel one or more pre-menstrual symptoms occurring one or two weeks prior to menstruation, and subsiding abruptly at the beginning of menstruation. Western medicine relies on medication to alleviate or mask symptoms. TCM (which includes acupuncture and herbal medicine) considers PMS a disease, an abnormal imbalance. Learn more on… Read more »
Trust Me, Over the Counter Products For Vaginal Odor Cure Are a Mere Waste of Time & Money!
I was a strong believer of conventional medicines for a very long time. However, when medicines failed to treat my problem of recurring vaginal odor, I lost faith in conventional treatment. I
Folk Remedies For BV Treatment – Safe Cures With Zero Side Effects
Are you considering the use prescription drugs for your bv treatment? Are you ready to put up with any harmful side effects that the medicines may cause? Are there any natural folk remedies that can be relied upon to treat bv completely without any side effects?
Bacterial Vaginosis Home Remedy – Your Best Bet to Get Rid of the Infection For Good
Bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods are one of the best ways to get rid of the infection fast. Often antibiotics and other conventional medicines used to treat this problem tend to be counter productive. In fact in almost 70% of women who resort to conventional treatment the infection recurs in weeks if not days time.
Natural Cure For Yeast Infections – The Right Thing to Do
These days many of us prefer to choose a natural cure for yeast infection over antibiotics and other strong medicines. But there is one thing you should make sure before you try your own treatments. Studies show that more than 65% of women have infections that is mistaken and treated for yeast infection.
Natural Relief From Yeast Infection Now
Yeast infection, also known as candidiasis (pronounced: can-dih-die-uh-sis), is the name for a common infection caused by a yeast called candida albicans (a type of fungus). Candida can overgrow for many reasons, stress, pregnancy, and illnesses to name a few. It usually occurs in warm, moist parts of the body, such as the mouth and… Read more »