Hot Flash Natural Remedy – The Amazing Benefits of a European Herb is Confirmed by Clinical Studies

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Perhaps the best non-hormonal hot flash natural remedy to date is called ERr 731 by researchers. This extract of a specific subspecies of rhubarb root, called Siberian rhubarb root, has been used in Germany to provide effective relief of hot flashes, sweats and other menopausal related complaints since 1993. Four different clinical studies published in… Read more »

Don’t Self-Medicate If You Are Pregnant

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There are some women who love to buy over the counter medicines to treat themselves of their various ailments and complaints. They love going to the pharmacy, go over the OTCs and pick out the most attractive medication they can lay their hands on.

Alternative Medicine and Endometriosis

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Endometriosis is usually first discovered after many attempts at falling pregnant or having extreme period pain. The result is a visit to the Gynaecologist who usually does a scan of the uterus or a laparoscopy to discover the signs of this condition. Once the condition is discovered, woman go through a series of options which… Read more »

Managing With Candida Infections

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There are two common ways of treating Candida infections and these are either the use of contemporary medicines along with the risk of having side-effects or the use of herbal therapies which are purely made from herbs and other natural ingredients. Considering the doctors’ advices and prescriptions, no doubt that they have to go for… Read more »