Many doctors will prescribe fertility drugs that may mask an overall infertility problem. If a hormone imbalance is expected, traditional fertility drugs may not help. They stimulate the ovaries to induce ovulation. In short, it tricks the female body into THINKING it has a lower level of estrogen (this is needed to induce ovulation). However,… Read more »
Posts Tagged: medicine
Use A Holistic Yeast Infection Cure And Kiss Your Problem Good Bye
Looking inward to solve a Candida Albican problem, better known as yeast infection, will align you with your solution. This is what you do when you choose and commit to a holistic yeast infection cure. A holistic approach to health is quite different from Western medicine.
Cold Medicine While Breastfeeding
After having a baby, the new mother is absorbed completely in looking after the newborn. However, a new mother also needs to understand the changes her body undergoes not just for her well being, but also for the baby’s. When a woman is breastfeeding, she should refrain from consuming alcohol or smoking. In addition, take… Read more »
How Chinese Medicine Works With Women’s Issues
In Chinese Medicine, diagnosis is determined by the pattern or patterns created by the symptoms which are present. The most basic assessment of pattern differentiation is the eight principles. The eight principles refer to eight categories for identifying patterns. These are principles are: yin, yang, cold, hot, internal, external, vacuity and excess. These principles have… Read more »
Introduction to Chinese Medicine and Infertility
What is infertility? What are the statistics that define infertility for couples and for women? What is the criteria for fertility from the Western perspective and from the Chinese Medical perspective.
Yeast Infection Home Remedy – Here Is How To Treat Yeast Infection Quickly
Have you been suffering from recurring yeast infection? Have the over-the-counter medicines provided no respite from the pain and itching. If yes, then a yeast infection home remedy is suggested. The home remedies can be done at home without too much hassle. The end result is just amazing! Related Blogs Related Blogs on Yeast Infection… Read more »
Isoflavone Clover Extract – A New Medicine For Treating Hot Flashes
For years, hot flashes have been regarded as the problem area for those women who have reached their menopause, at the end of their reproductive life. Hot flashes are triggered by the reason which is the decline in the level of estrogen and progesterone in the body.
Naturally Enhance Breasts
If you are not satisfied with your body, and would like to improve your figure, you don’t have to resort to surgery; you can naturally enhance breasts safely and effectively by using herbal supplements. There are a lot of different herbs that are believed to help stimulate natural breast growth, and most are very safe…. Read more »
Ovarian Cyst Treatments – Using Ovarian Cyst Home Treatments
Most women aren’t satisfied with the ovarian cyst treatments that are available today. More often women find themselves searching for an ovarian cyst home treatment rather than using traditional medicine.
Home Remedy For Yeast Infection – Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Candida Infection
Over years, people are becoming more confident in home remedy for yeast infection. They seem to be the only way to find a cure for the spreading yeast infection. There are different kinds of yeast infection and as well, there are so many types of treatments available over the counter. Anyone who has this infection… Read more »