Don’t Self-Medicate If You Are Pregnant

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There are some women who love to buy over the counter medicines to treat themselves of their various ailments and complaints. They love going to the pharmacy, go over the OTCs and pick out the most attractive medication they can lay their hands on.

Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatments That May Help You

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Statistics state that nearly 93% of women are (at some stage) are at risk of going through a Vaginal Yeast Infection. That’s why determining what the most suitable remedy is critical. Today’s treatments come in a myriad of forms, including several varieties of over-the-counter medications, and many of them can eliminate the infection in a… Read more »

Why Does My Yeast Infection Keep Coming Back?

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So, you’ve tried everything you can think of, but you just don’t seem to be able to shake your yeast infection. Most folks think that taking and using a simple anti-fungal medication is all it takes to cure a yeast infection for good, but sadly this isn’t the case.