Stop Using Yeast Infection Medication Now!

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Most folks think that a trip to the local chemist or a visit to the doctor will be the end of their yeast infection, but… it’s not. In fact, using an OTC or prescribed medication to treat your yeast infection will only make matters worse. You’ll end up with a longer list of painful symptoms,… Read more »

Natural Yeast Infection Remedies – Why They’re Better Than Prescriptions

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Natural yeast infection remedies are preferable in many cases to the over-the-counter or prescribed medications and creams which you can get for a number of reasons. One, these over-the-counter drugs only typically temporarily alleviate your problem. They may take care of the symptoms in the short term, but before you know it that infection is… Read more »

Treatment for Vaginosis for Better Health

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The first common and easiest bacterial vaginosis is natural treatment, which does not involve any medication drugs or pills. In fact, all women are able to cure from bacterial vaginosis by themselves; it can be done by maintaining the nutrition intake and doing a diet program.