Yeast infection is a result of overgrowth of microscopic fungi or yeast in the body. It brings discomfort and damage to its prey’s health. This can be treated, though, using over-the-counter medications. However, if the infection continued for more than a week or if the infected person has a weak immune system, then seeking a… Read more »
Posts Tagged: medication
Alternative Medications For Getting Relief From Hot Flashes
Hot flashes are the first symptoms that are associated with menopause. Though mostly hormone therapy is used to treat the hot flashes, there are some alternative medications also that are followed by women for getting relief from hot flashes.
I Have a Yeast Infection – Now What?
“I have a Yeast Infection. “Now What?” If you have asked yourself this question, the first step is not to panic. Yeast infections affect a lot of women. These vaginal infections are treatable and it is important to note that though your doctor may prescribe oral medications or topical ointments which have various side effects,… Read more »
How Do You Get Rid of Yeast Infections Naturally? 3 Simple Tips to Beat Your Yeast Infection Fast
If you’re here, it’s because you’re wondering how you get rid of yeast infections naturally. Well, that’s good, because here you’ll discover 3 top tips on how to beat your yeast infection, without resorting to drug-based medications with their nasty side effects.
Fertility Care in Women Diagnosed With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – PCOS
PCOS is the most common cause of anovulation and is responsible for significant proportion of infertility in women. For women who desire pregnancy, other infertility factors should be excluded first. This is followed by ovulation induction with IUI. Initially oral medications are used followed by injectable medications. Monitoring of treatment by a reproductive endocrinologist is… Read more »
You Are Healthy, You Don’t Have a Disease, You Are in Menopause
Oh My. The M word. We never talked about that. Menopause has often been one of the least discussed woman’s health issue but times are changing and in the last few years we have been seeing advertisements for hormone therapy and natural ‘cures’. So what is all the talk about and do you really need… Read more »
Menopause Headaches Can Be Treated Naturally
Shifting hormones during premenopause and menopause can often cause headaches. Some women will get migraines or other headaches for the first time. There are steps you can take, both to prevent menopause headaches, and to help relieve the pain once you have one. In addition to medications, there are several natural approaches that can be… Read more »
How to Get Rid of Feminine Odor at Home
The article will help you learn how to get rid of feminine odor at home, several tips that don’t involve expensive medication that my not work. There are many treatments for vaginal odor, but these have proven to be some of the most effective home treatments at very low cost.
Yeast Infection No More By Linda Allen – In Or Out?
Yeast Infection No More is the only holistic program to curing yeast infection permanently. This will cure the infection naturally without the use of drugs, creams, antibiotics, and other medications.
A Yeast Infection Home Remedy Which Works in 12 Hours
Vaginal yeast infections occur when there is an increase of yeast in the vagina representing more than the typical amount of bacteria present in it. It can increase while taking antibiotics for other infections such as respiratory or urinary. When the bacteria is gone, the yeast multiplies, causing an irritation in those affected areas, typically… Read more »