Bone loss is a major issue affecting the life of women who have reached the age of menopause. As women we gain the highest bone mass in our body when we reach the age of 30 and start losing the bone density slowly in between the age of 30-35.
Posts Tagged: mass
Does Natural Breast Enlargement Really Work?
Yes. Let me give you a brief illustration, the breast as we all know is made up of tissues and these tissues have the tendencies to expand or grow when stimulated, and stimulation could be as a result of exercising the breasts by massaging and applying organic substances on it for example p. mirifica, a… Read more »
Breast Enlargement Without Surgery By Using Breast Massage
Many women the world over when looking for options for breast enlargement without surgery, have found breast massage to be a healthy method of achieving the desired results of a larger cup size. There are several other options when it comes to breast enlargement without surgery, such as yoga, dietary changes, supplements, herbs and even… Read more »
Yeast Infection Diet – Eat Right and Eliminate Yeast at the Same Time
One of the quickest ways to not only prevent a yeast infection, but also to get rid of one, is to take a good long look at your diet. For the most part your diet and to be more precise, things that you are eating too much or not enough of can massively increase your… Read more »
Complex Ovarian Cyst – 3 Types and Natural Treatment For Ovarian Cysts
A complex ovarian cyst is a mass or lump that develops within the ovary. It is filled with fluids and solid components that are surrounded by a thin wall. It comes about naturally when there is an abnormal development of egg cells.
Chronic Yeast Infection Symptoms of Oral Thrush You Must Look Out For
Thrush is caused by the Candida bacteria or fungus in the body and to be more specific, when the bacteria multiply to a point where the immune system cannot keep it in check anymore. There are a number of things that can cause this weakened immune system and the most popular are the contraceptive pill… Read more »
Sagging Breasts – The Cause and the Solutions
For many women sagging breasts can be an issue. Women with sagging breasts can feel self conscious and feel unattractive; both of which has a massive effect on the overall personality.
Sagging Breasts – Can Exercises Really Help?
The benefits of exercises cannot be understated for the long term health benefits. Making exercises part of your weekly routine can pay massive dividends for you and improve your lifestyle. But did you know that certain exercises can benefit your cleavage.
How to Enhance Your Bust – 2
Reduce stress – You may have experienced it, when you are stressed/panic you chest feels very tight; but you may not know that this pressure would undermine the balance of autonomic nervous system and affect the normal secretion of female hormone, hence changing the original state of your bust. So remember to take time out… Read more »
Fragile Bones and Vitamin D
What are fragile bones, (Osteoporosis)? It is a medical condition of bones. It leads to high risk of fractures, specifically in hip, femur, and wrist. It occurs mainly due to a decrease in bone mass.