Many women worry about the weight gain that is inextricable with pregnancy. You often hear women talking about their bodies before and after baby, and how pregnancy really wreaked havoc on their body’s shape and their ability to lose weight. Since we live in such a body-image obsessed world, in which flawlessly skinny celebrities are… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Live
Herbal Tips For Breast Enlargement
Believe it or not but breasts are one asset we cannot live without. Women go to any extent to keep them healthy and in shape. A pair of breasts which becomes droopy or saggy affects whole personality of a woman and makes her look old and unattractive to the opposite sex
PTLS – A Woman’s Story
Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome sufferers seek help and want their lives back. Karen, a tubal reversal patient, shares her remarkable story.
Yeast Infections in Women Are Very Common
Yeast infections in women are very common and very annoying but totally treatable. An estimated 75 percent of all women will get an infection at least once in their lives and many will be predisposed to get them more often.
Back Pain During Pregnancy: Can Prenatal Pilates Help?
For most pregnant women, back pain is no stranger. From conception to delivery, the body undergoes changes that can cause back pain. Learn how prenatal Pilates can strengthen your body and mind against pain, making for a more comfortable pregnancy.
Are Women Healthier Than Men?
It’s a widely accepted fact that women can live up to an additional 5 to 10 years, and often in better health, then men. But why are women healthier than men?
Everything You Need to Know About Spotting Between Periods
Though it may cause apprehension, spotting between periods is not really an unusual occurrence. Typically, the menstrual cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days, with an average of 28 days. Spotting between periods takes place when there is vaginal blood flow in between the period after your last day of menstruation and the beginning of… Read more »
The Symptoms of Ovulation
Ovulation occurs when a mature ovarian follicle erupts and releases an ovum most commonly called an egg. The egg then travels along the fallopian tube going toward the womb where it can become fertilized by a man’s sperm causing the woman to conceive a child. While the egg can only live for up to twenty-four… Read more »
Staying Juicy! Maintaining a Youthful Yoni
Women tend to spend a lot of time and money on skincare. We want our skin to look youthful, supple and smooth. The key to younger healthy looking skin is sufficient moisture. In humid tropical climates, our skin naturally looks and feels healthier, and the women of the tropics generally look much younger than those… Read more »
Pospartum Facts and Care Tips After Delivery
With all the challenges of motherhood, there may come a time that you think of yourself the least especially when you have more than one kid to look after. Daily routines and obligations will take most of your time that even your long hair has to be cut short; your shower time has to be… Read more »