Are any costs incurred by the government authorities in relation to product safety issues or product recalls recoverable from the producer or other responsible party? How may decisions of the authorities be challenged? On 13 June 2018, a law to amend the Food Sanitation Act (FSA) was promulgated. However, in practice, such warnings are likely… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Ligation
Tubal Reversal Questions Answered
Tubal reversal or tubal ligation reversal is when a surgeon repairs the blocked fallopian tubes. Tubal ligation reversal is not a vasectomy reversal. Couples can easily become confused with the information that is being given.
PTLS – A Woman’s Story
Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome sufferers seek help and want their lives back. Karen, a tubal reversal patient, shares her remarkable story.
Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome – Is It True?
Many women have been told that Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome does not happen. If it doesn’t happen then why are so many women faced with the same issues.
Is Tubal Reversal Insurance Something You Can Get?
First, it would be important to know what a tubal ligation reversal is before one would appreciate having tubal reversal insurance. If you don’t know why it’s so important to have the surgery, you don’t know why so many seek out such insurance.
Pospartum Facts and Care Tips After Delivery
With all the challenges of motherhood, there may come a time that you think of yourself the least especially when you have more than one kid to look after. Daily routines and obligations will take most of your time that even your long hair has to be cut short; your shower time has to be… Read more »
Tubal Ligation Reversal – Best Family Planning
In the current scenario family planning plays a very crucial part in every couple’s life. This gives you the power to decide birth control as in when and the breaks in between you want to have while having children.
Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome – What May Cause This Debilitating Problem
Did you know that if you have your tubes tied there is a chance you might have Post Tubal ligation Syndrome? What is this PTLS that women suffer? What causes it? What hope do you have that you can relieve your problems?
Free Tubal Reversal – Is There Such a Thing As a Zero Cost Tubal Ligation Reversal?
Many women search for a free tubal reversal as a way to meet the high cost of such procedures. Are there really such things as tubal reversal surgery for nothing?
A Few Tips on Tubal Reversal Financing and How You Can Get That Child You Want
Looking at tubal ligation reversal surgery means looking at the cost of tubal reversal. This is when many couples begin looking into tubal reversal financing options to learn if there is a way they can afford the cost of this operation. Some options that are available are…