When uterine fibroids becomes worse and affect your way of life the only option left is to undergo treatment. There are a lot of ways to manage fibroids either through uterine artery embolization (UAE) or surgery.
Posts Tagged: life
1 Day Yeast Infection Treatment Didn’t Work? Here’s is Why and What You Can Do About It
This is a common problem amongst women that get regular yeast infections. Almost 3 out of every 4 women will experience at least one episode of vaginal infections in their lifetime but many will suffer recurrent yeast infections.
Vaginal Yeast Infection Symptoms – An Itch That You Just Can’t Scratch
Many women, about 3/4 of all women in fact, will develop a vaginal yeast infection at least once in their life. It is caused by Candida and can make life miserable for the woman who has it. Related Blogs Related Blogs on Vaginal Yeast Infection Symptoms – An Itch That You Just Can’t Scratch Nightclubs
Recurring Bacterial Vaginosis – Causes and Cures
Having recurring bacterial vaginosis can be very stressful, and it seems like whatever you try to do to get rid of it never works. When I had recurring bacterial vaginosis it affected many different parts of my life. I didn’t want to have sex, I constantly went to the bathroom to wipe the smelly vaginal… Read more »
Tea Tree Oil For Yeast Infection Treatments – 3 Easy Tips That Work!
The yeast infection is a common symptom that many women encounter every year. The symptoms can literally change the persons way of life, and create mood swings for many. Tea tree oil is a fungal fighter that also plays a big part for yeast infection cures.
Natural BV Remedies – 4 Powerful Supplements to Cure BV
Most women will get bacterial vaginosis at least once in there life. Its important to learn natural remedies you can use to stop the infection or even prevent it. And whatever it is that causes your symptoms of the infection, remember your bacterial vaginosis needs attention. If your bacterial vaginosis is left without any treatment… Read more »
Mammogram – Life-Saver
Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women. While physical examination would help in determining the probability of cancer of the breast in women, it is likewise important to have an examination that uses mammogram especially when a woman reaches the age of 50. Frequency is suggested to be every 1… Read more »
Will the Rise in Chlamydia Cases Ultimately Result in a Rise in Infertility Rates?
According to the CDC, chlamydia is on the rise in the United States. Fortunately, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like chlamydia are not immediately life-threatening; however, chlamydia does have long-term repercussions that can be devastating. One of those consequences can be infertility.
Look at other women who have
Look at other women who have had surgery and see if you like the way they look? Do they appear natural? Are they complication free? Most women are happy to share their success stories with other women who ask.br /Sojourn your local hospital and suitable with nurses, ask them who is recognized to be the… Read more »
Non – surgical breast enhancement and
Non – surgical breast enhancement and herbal breast enhancement products are fast becoming a real and effective breast enlargement alternative for women who either don’t want the artificial look and feel of breast implants, cannot afford the surgery, do not want to take the risk, or simply have never even considered having cosmetic surgery to… Read more »