There are a lot of questions about vegetarianism on a whole but when it comes to pregnant vegetarians the questions are even more. Though many times the questions are meant well it can be a little much for pregnant women when everyone wants to criticize her eating habits and her lifestyle and the potential affects… Read more »
Posts Tagged: life
Finding Menopause Remedies
Women have been going through symptoms of the menopause since the beginning of time. It is part of the natural life cycle for women. The first symptom for most women are the hot flashes.
Benefits of a Tighter Vagina: Satisfying Sexual Relationship and Stress Incontinence Prevention
Benefits of a tighter vagina are more than simply adding pleasure for yourself and your partner, it also prevents medical conditions such as stress incontinence and uterine prolapse. The following tips will help you maintain your vagina’s youthful state throughout your life.
Symptoms of The Menstruation Cycle
Many women experience different symptoms of the menstruation cycle that can affect their everyday life. Some of these symptoms can be excruciating while others are more or less annoying. The more severe symptoms might require a visit to your doctor to see what kind of medications you can take to ease them.
PMS Relief – Did You Try These Natural PMS Remedies For Your PMS?
There are women who find the standard choices for PMS relief lacking; their pain, mood swings, and other PMS symptoms aren’t removed by taking Advil or Tylenol. It’s not always an option to skip out on daily responsibilities while waiting for the pain and other discomforts to go away. In fact, for many women, it’s… Read more »
Recurring Yeast Infections Are Not Something Just You Suffer From
Recurring yeast infections are an irritating problem for thousands of women at any one time. Five percent of women go through a stage in their life when they struggle to cure their fungal infection, and for most, this is really unnecessary. If you have been healthy all your life, and you have no underlying health… Read more »
Bacterial Vaginosis Discharge – Simple Healthy Tips To Get Rid of Smelly Vagina Odor
Bacterial vaginosis discharge is a major problem affecting many women, and is one of the common symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. It is usually greyish white accompanied by a strong offensive odor. This can cause depression, embarrassment and humiliation, thereby affecting your personal, social and professional lifestyle. But you do not have to be depressed as… Read more »
Menstruation Calculators
One of the best things that a woman can do to keep track of her period cycles is by using menstruation calculators. These calculators will allow you to keep track of your start and stop times so that you can manage your busy schedule around them. By being able to keep track of your monthly… Read more »
Natural Remedies for Fibroids in Uterus – 3 Effective Tips to Clear Them Fast
Today’s fast-paced lifestyle has its fair share of disadvantages. Women are stressed to the point of losing their health to a variety of diseases. Uterine fibroids is a common occurrence and, in some cases, undetected until too late. Surgical intervention is dreaded and risky. What remains is a combination of a healthy lifestyle and natural… Read more »
101: What Is a Yeast Infection?
Yeast infection affects more than 3/4 of all women and man at least once in their life time yet it is still an embarrassing subject for most to talk about even to their close friends. In this article we talk about the causes, symptoms and treatments of yeast infections.