Ovarian Cyst Cures

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Ovarian cysts are very common to women and they grow in their lifetime and mostly during reproductive years. There are some who might grow one, as it normally does, but there are others who have the tendency to develop several. Cysts are categorized as benign or cancerous and develop inside the ovary when the egg… Read more »

First Trimester the Start of Pregnancy

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Pregnancy is a phase in a women’s life that makes her complete. As we know that these 42 weeks of pregnancy is full of mysteries for every lady this is highly recommended to every to be mother to maintain a Pregnancy week by week chart. For the help of the calendar pregnancy has been divided… Read more »

Three Lifestyle Changes to Get Rid of Vaginal Dryness

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Persistent vaginal dryness can put your personal life at a standstill. Occasionally the problem is a result of hormonal changes, but most of the time it comes from certain factors in your lifestyle. Changing your lifestyle in positive ways can help you restore moisture to a dry vagina. And fortunately, all the changes you need… Read more »

Is Marital Strife Shortening Your Life?

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In the case of a marriage, the toxic union can actually cause the woman to develop both physical and emotional health issues whereas the man will only suffer emotionally. Such health issues as high blood pressure and excess belly fat have been shown to originate in women who are dealing with unhappy marriages. Studies have… Read more »