Okay so I haven’t been getting results with the Brava because it keeps losing suction. I called Brava and asked if it’s possible that my tubing has a hole in it and the lady told me that it’s not that, it’s because there’s air that’s getting inside the domes. She told me to press the… Read more »
Posts Tagged: lady
Using a Massage Chair While Pregnant
When I was a full-time chiropractor, I would get asked all the time by my patients if chiropractic and massage (which we used in our clinic all the time) was safe to use on a pregnant lady. The answer is a resounding “Yes.” I have treated many, many women over the years who were expecting,… Read more »
Five Ways to Enlarge Your Breasts
When summer comes, it is the best time for ladies to display their attractive figures. However, if you are a lady with small and saggy breasts, you will definitely feel sad and even self-abased. Don’t you want to enlarge them? If you want to enlarge your breasts, many ways are available, such as using some… Read more »
Female Orgasm Enhancers Improve Sexual Intimacy
Studies show that females have a difficult time achieving an orgasm during sexual encounters. There are some doctors that believe the main reason why women have a difficult time climaxing is because of their psychological state during sexual intercourse. Other doctors and researchers will place all of the blame on the partner that is engaged… Read more »
First Trimester the Start of Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a phase in a women’s life that makes her complete. As we know that these 42 weeks of pregnancy is full of mysteries for every lady this is highly recommended to every to be mother to maintain a Pregnancy week by week chart. For the help of the calendar pregnancy has been divided… Read more »
Risks You Can Avoid Before Pregnancy
Bypassing liquor not to mention nicotine in being pregnant happen to be 2 of the necessary as well as nurturing simple steps a lady might take for her baby. As this pair of toxins really are addicting, it will quite often take much longer to reduce these products out of your life. Many females know… Read more »
Feminine Care Products for Ladies
Maintaining a good feminine hygiene is a responsibility of every lady out there. Not only does it give a good impression to people around you, but it gives you the feeling of security and allows you to move freely. Luckily you no longer have to fend alone for yourself.
How to Tighten a Loose Vagina Fast and Naturally
A loose vagina can reduce the pleasure and excitement of lovemaking. Lots of women accept this as a normal process of aging. Lady secret serum increases sensation immediately after application.
Essential Points To Remember While Adopting Exercise During Pregnancy
The news of pregnancy is one of the happiest news for a newly married lady. You can easily uncover several couples which feel to be the happiest person on the earth just by hearing the news of pregnancy. But there are some facts due to which this news becomes a bit fluffy to the ladies…. Read more »
Best Exercises to Tighten the Vagina – Make Your Vagina Tighter And Stronger The Easy Way
There are moments when a lady’s vagina gets loose and this may make her self esteem low apart from reducing the pleasure she gets in the bed room. Whereas the looseness may come out as a result of physical injuries or medical conditions, there are ladies who are born like that. Consider the Kegel’s exercises… Read more »