Yeast Infection Symptoms: What Is a Yeast Infection?

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Yeast infections are a very common Infection that effects millions of people daily. Some studies suggests that over 75% of the Population are diagnosed with a infection some time in their life. Either in the throat, also known as thrush, your skin, and also in the vaginal area.

Get Informed About Bacterial Vaginosis

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These days, different kinds of vaginal infections are seen amongst women that cause great inconvenience to them. It is true that the market is flooded with products that claim to correct the problem but the reality is somewhat else.

An Introduction to Bacterial Vaginosis

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There are large numbers of infections that are caused by bacteria. Out of all different kinds of bacteria, Bacterial Vaginosis is one of the most common bacteria causing infection in vagina. It has been seen that it is one of the sexually transmitted infections.

How Do You Get Yeast Infections?

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Your body has naturally been protecting you from Candida infections since you was a small child. The fungus that is now feeding on your skin cells and causing the irritation you’re suffering from has been lying dormant in your body. It starts out as a controllable Candida yeast that lives on your skin and in… Read more »