The Real Cause of Candida Infection

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Candida yeast infections occur in an environment that is triggered by several primary or secondary factors. There are factors and co-factors that together contribute to the overgrowth of the Candida microorganisms within your body. There are also causative factors that work to aggravate an already compromised immune system resulting in a Candida infection.

Why Do I Keep Getting Yeast Infections?

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Why do I keep getting yeast infections again and again- this question bothered me for almost a year. I was just not able to figure out the reason for repeated attacks of the infection. Over a period of time I started noticing a specific pattern. Whenever I had sex within the first week following my… Read more »

101: What Is a Yeast Infection?

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Yeast infection affects more than 3/4 of all women and man at least once in their life time yet it is still an embarrassing subject for most to talk about even to their close friends. In this article we talk about the causes, symptoms and treatments of yeast infections.