Yeast infections in the intestines are much more common now than they were a number of years ago. We now live in a time where the naturally occurring Candida yeast is given more chance to mutate into an infection causing fungus. The internal environment is affected by more things now like diet, and the overuse… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Infections
Understanding the Chronic Yeast Infection
Yeast infections are anything but uncommon, as 20 million women alone in the United States suffer from yeast infections; even a fraction of men experience them as well. Chronic yeast infections are caused by Candida Albicans, which is a form of yeast, and can quickly develop and spread to any part of the body.
How Yeast Infections Infest The Body And Can Become A Silent Killer
Yeast infections symptoms, left untreated for a long time, can lead to a phenomenon called Yeast Syndrome or Chronic Candidiasis. Candidiasis is the infestation of the nine body systems by Candida albicans (tiny organisms present in human bodies). Under check they are harmless, when they overgrow they develop into a dangerous fungus which weakens the… Read more »
What Are The Alternative Treatments For Bacterial Vaginosis?
Vaginal infections are very common among many women. It is one of the most prevalent lower genital tract conditions. The symptoms are very disturbing and can disrupt one’s day.
Recurrent Yeast Infections Need Some Lifestyle Changes Before They Can Be Cured
Far too many women are now suffering from recurrent yeast infections for the simple reason, they aren’t treating them correctly. While all the anti fungal drugs and medications they are using are fantastic at killing fungus, they aren’t curing the infection they were purchased for. If you’re using the same methods every day to cure… Read more »
Recurring Yeast Infections In Women Need To Be Treated From The Root Cause
When you’re suffering from recurring yeast infections, that point in your life is not enjoyable at all. And for some sufferers it can be completely discouraging, and have a serious affect on them. The itching and burning you wake up with every day becomes part of an unhappy time, and you can start thinking that… Read more »
5 Causes Of Yeast Infections In Females That All Women Need To Understand
Discover, not only, these 5 causes of yeast infections in females but also how to take steps to finally get rid of the problem for good. After reading this article you will have a lot more knowledge about how you get yeast infections and how to deal with them.
Bacteria Vaginosis Symptoms
One of the most common vaginal infections affecting a large number of women of child bearing age is bacterial Vaginosis. The walls of the cervix and the vagina create a clear liquid to clean this area.
Prescription Medications for Vaginal Bacterial Infections
The treatment of vaginal bacterial infections is strongly encouraged. There are 2 prescription drugs that are commonly utilized for the cure of bacterial vaginosis: clindamycin and metronidazole.
How To Stop Yeast Infections – A Duh! Moment!
Interesting title, huh? Well when you read this article you will find out that stopping yeast infections and recurring yeast infections, is as easy as well…duh! Not only is this stuff common knowledge, it’s practically common sense! But I’ll let you be the judge of that! For now let me enlighten you on how to… Read more »