If you regularly suffer from vaginal itching, redness, and painful burning, you may be one of the millions of women experiencing the effects of a yeast infection. Yeast infections are one of the most common ailments afflicting women – as well as one of the most embarrassing. Though the candida fungus that causes yeast infections… Read more »
Posts Tagged: infection
Treatment of Yeast Infections
There cannot be many conditions more unpleasant and awful than a yeast infection. Also called candida, this irritating condition can leave you feeling quite miserable. There are thought to be many causes so finding out how to treat yeast infection is not so easy.
Treating a Yeast Infection
A Yeast Infection is a condition caused by an overgrowth of a species of Yeast called Candida Albicans. It can be extremely distressing and have many unpleasant symptoms. Also known as Candida, it is quite common with up to 75% of women expected to suffer at some point. It is also, sadly, a recurring condition…. Read more »
Yeast Infections – 3 Ways Diet Can Help Get Rid of Candida!
In order to treat yeast infections, or Candida, as they are also known, we must first understand their causes. It’s a pretty complex condition that starts internally and usually has a number of contributory factors. Basically in everyone’s body, a yeast called Candida Albicans exists.
Why is My Itchy Vagina Also Sore? – Reasons For a Sore Vagina and Painful Vaginal Itching Infections
Have you noticed your vaginal area becoming so itchy and sore? This is a very painful condition and an infective state of yeast infection. People who are suffering from yeast infection commonly have an itchy feeling and bad smelling discharges, but developing severe cases can result to a sore vagina. This creates a burning sensation… Read more »
Fibromyalgia and Yeast Infections – Tips on How to Eliminate Them
I found several cases of my friends that they develop fibromyalgia and yeast infections right after having a hysterectomy. They are confused how this could happen and whether FMS (Fibromyalgia Syndrome) is part of candidiasis symptoms or not.
Natural Yeast Infection Cure – Why it May Be the Only Option For You
When it comes to natural yeast infection cure, it does not have to be uncomfortable in fact, a natural treatment can be as easy as simply changing your diet. With a natural cure you have the peace of mind that you are taking care of your body in the best way possible and generally with… Read more »
Bacterial Vaginosis Symptoms May Include an Intense Odor
There are various bacterial vaginosis symptoms that can occur with an individual who is inflicted with this condition. The most obvious symptom is an intense odor that has a somewhat fishy smell to it. This odor is often overpowering and is bound to affect the inflicted individual emotionally as well. It is necessary to remember… Read more »
Yeast Infections – Highlighting the Main Yeast Infection Causes and Possible Cures
As you may know, the body generally contains yeast. However, when this yeast overgrows, yeast infections occur which are characterized by an off white discharge, itching, burning and painful urination. So what exactly causes this overgrowth of yeast in the body?
How to Cure a Vaginal Yeast Infection With Home Remedies – Great Recipes to Cure Your Candida!
Candida albicans is a fungus that lives inside the human body, however, excessive growth of the same causes vaginal yeast infection. In several cases, these fungi proliferate and cause itching, inflammation, burning sensation, irritation and even swelling in the surrounding areas.