Women are more prone to urine infections than men. Some women are more likely to succumb to them than others. If you often get urine infection, you do not have to visit the drug store or the doctor each time you have a urine infection. There are home remedies for urine infection in women right… Read more »
Posts Tagged: infection
Yeast Infection in Women – Natural Solutions
Yeast is naturally found in places throughout the body. It is found in the intestines, vagina, mouth and on the skin.
Is Garlic an Effective Cure for Yeast Infection?
Researchers have actually compared the effectiveness of prescription antibiotics with garlic, the result is quite unbelievable- garlic is often more effective as a broad spectrum antibiotic. However, if a particular bacterium or virus is being treated, it is more advisable to take a more specifically targeted antibiotic than rely on the more generic effect of… Read more »
Probiotics for Women Can Help With Vaginal and Urinary Tract Infections, Fatigue, and Digestion
Probiotics for women are not only good for improving digestive health, but they can also help with female problems such as vaginal infections and urinary tract infections. This is because digestive health affects your ability to defend against these type of infections.
How to Cure a Yeast Infection Without Prescription Meds
There’s nothing wrong with following your doctor’s orders but if you are like me who have had enough of anti-fungal medications and creams, you want to go for remedies that are safe and natural. When we use excessive prescription or over-the-counter products, it is possible that Candida will become resilient up to the point that… Read more »
How To Combat A Burning Yeast Infection: 3 Home Remedies
Fluctuations in hormone or immune system levels can also lead to yeast infections. Pregnant persons as well as those with diabetes can suffer from yeast infections for these reasons. Those taking prescriptions, particularly birth control, can also experience hormone fluctuations that lead to more frequent least infections.
5 Fixes for an Under Breast Yeast Infection
Tips for curing yeast infections under the breast. Sometimes under breast rashes are caused by yeast. Yeast is a fungus so look at antifungal creams and powders.
What Is the Cause of Yeast Infection in Women?
Candidiasis may develop during the course of treatment with antibiotics. Personally, antibiotics and yeast infection go hand in hand for me each time. How so? Antibiotics have the ability to eliminate the yeast’s natural competitors for resources thus increasing the severity of the condition.
3 Proven Ways on How to Cure a Chronic Yeast Infection
Yeast feed on sugar so it’s only logical to avoid foods that are high in sugar (especially refined sugar). Dried fruits and packaged fruit juices have high amounts of sugar. Try to avoid canned vegetables as well as condiments that contain yeast or mold because they have the tendency to make yeast multiply.
How To Cure Vaginal Yeast Infection – Conventional Medicine Vs Natural Remedy
The overgrowth of a type of parasitic fungus known as Candida albicans inside our body can lead to a disease called yeast infection or candidiasis. It can occur in both men and women regardless of age. However, it is more common in women than in men. Related Blogs Related Blogs on How To Cure Vaginal… Read more »