Four Tips To Cope With a Yeast Infection

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The yeast infection is mainly caused by a fungus called The Candida Albicans. Commonly known under the name of yeast, these sort of bacteria tend to favor the warm body folds such as the genital areas and the mouth. Women and men are both susceptible to this infection, which is most likely to attack the… Read more »

Natural Ways to Cure a Yeast Infection

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Yeast infection curing requires your knowledge of its nature and how the abnormal growth of bad bacteria happens in the first place. Statistically speaking women are most affected by this infection, and the vaginal infection, is more known among women.

What Is A Candida Infection?

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Guess what… Candida is actually a fungus infection. Yes, that’s something you must know about. Precisely why? You may ask… simply because learning the disorder will help you but not only prevent it in some unspecified time in the future, but heal it now.

Fungal Infections During Pregnancy

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If you have a fungal (yeast) infection, the doctor will prescribe a prescription such as an anti-fungal vaginal creams or medicines that are safe for pregnant women. Oral antifungal medications to treat vaginal yeast infections are contraindicated in pregnancy.

Top Medical Breakthroughs in the Treatment for Thrush?

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Thrush, also known of Vaginal infection, is actually caused by a fungus which is known as Candida. This fungus is actually a normal transient of the mouth but when the body decreases resistance, these fungi strikes. Usually, the disease is actually caused by a lowered immune system and due to the Candida species.