Research has shown that almost all woman (especially during child bearing years) have been inflicted with a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst also known as a hematocyst or a blood cyst. They are considered a functioning cyst because they are affected by hormones, occur during a regular menstrual cycle and are not caused by any disease. Hemorrhagic… Read more »
Posts Tagged: hormone
Does Your Blood Sugar Determine the Gender of Your Baby?
When you eat foods that contain sugar your blood sugar levels increase. A hormone in your body, called insulin, is released to bring the levels of sugar in your blood back to a normal level for you. This insulin helps your cells to utilize the energy from the sugar, or, if you have plenty of… Read more »
Daisy Birthing Classes Are About Relaxation, Breathing And Movement
Relaxation of the body and mind is essential during pregnancy and labour. it is important for a mother to remain mentally relaxed as if she is exposed to long-term stress and anxiety this can have a negative impact on her body. The immune system can be affected creating a higher risk of illness and increased… Read more »
Female Sexual Dysfunction As An Aftermath Of Menopause
Menopause is inevitable in a woman’s life, usually occurring after a certain age. It can also be induced by surgical removal of the ovaries. A sudden fall in the level of sex hormones can take a toll on female sexuality. Let’s know more about the role of testosterone patches such as Intrinsa in compensating for… Read more »
Middle-Aged Women and Hormones: Estrogen, Fat Cells, and Weight Loss
Many studies have been conducted to determine what effect aging, and menopause have on women. Not only do middle-aged women experience hormonal changes, but the side effect can sometimes be additional fat in the abdominal area. The aging process, genetic factors, lifestyle changes and changes in diet, are all factors of this dreaded, seemingly sudden… Read more »
Menopause: Do Hormones Really Relieve Menopause Symptoms?
Menopause is a usual change in every woman’s life when her menstruation stops. That is why most folks call it the change of life. During the menopause, the woman’s body gradually produces less of the progesterone and estrogen. This actually happens between the 45-55 years of age. A woman has attained menopause while if she… Read more »
Starting An Effective Endometriosis Diet That Eliminates The Potential For Candida Overgrowth
An effective endometriosis diet can have a significant impact on the pain and other common symptoms of endometriosis and may even help to regular and prevent Candida overgrowth. Numerous studies have shown that women who implement anti-Candida diets have received notable improvements in their issues with endometriosis. This and other research has shown that strategic… Read more »
How To Combat A Burning Yeast Infection: 3 Home Remedies
Fluctuations in hormone or immune system levels can also lead to yeast infections. Pregnant persons as well as those with diabetes can suffer from yeast infections for these reasons. Those taking prescriptions, particularly birth control, can also experience hormone fluctuations that lead to more frequent least infections.
Menopause Supplements – A Natural Menopause Treatment
For many years, the most highly recommended menopause treatment appeared to be hormone replacement therapy (HRT), however in later years a large research called the Women’s Health Initiative concluded that the long-term use of estrogen or progesterone, as well as estrogen blend therapies triggered a greater chance of blood clots and stroke in women. Because… Read more »
Herbal Remedies for Better Health and Hormone Balance
Newsflash: Conventional medicine is responsible for 255,000 deaths per year in the United States, and almost half of those are from adverse reactions to prescription drugs. Just because a pharmaceutical drug has been studied in a laboratory, regulated by the FDA and prescribed by a doctor, it does not necessarily mean that it is safe… Read more »