There are over four and half million births in the United States each year. And any woman who has gone through the stages of pregnancy and development can attest to the significant changes their bodies make throughout that time. The nine months leading up to the birth of a child is an extremely delicate time… Read more »
Posts Tagged: half
Living With Fibrocystic Breasts Condition
Today, most health-care providers refer to fibrocystic breasts as “fibrocystic breast condition” or “fibrocystic breast change”. It is a very common, non-cancerous breast condition that affects over half of all women at some point during their lives. Generally occurring in women between the ages of 30-60.
How To Make Breasts Bigger With Yoga
The problem of how to make breasts bigger can be a serious psychological concern for many women, who feel their bust lines may be a little too small. Even if you are only seeking an increase of one half to one full cup size, these yogic exercises will help tremendously to enlarge the chest while… Read more »
Menopause Memory Loss – Is it Normal?
Don’t let memory loss rob you of enjoying the second half of your life! As women approach menopause, a good majority of them have what is called “age related cognitive decline”.
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine in the Treatment of Uterine Prolapse
Uterine prolapse is falling or sliding of the uterus from its normal position in the pelvic cavity into the vaginal canal. The risk of uterine prolapse increases with age as pelvic muscles weaken, and due to the natural reduction in estrogen(less elasticity) at menopause. Approximately half of all women older than 50 years complain of… Read more »
Causes, Symptoms and Effects of Hormonal Imbalance in Women
In women, the body produces two important types of hormones, progesterone and estrogen, among others. In the first half of the menstrual cycle, the body produces high levels of estrogen.
Treatment For Yeast Infections – From Grapefruit Extract to Monistat and Beyond
In the following paragraphs you will find some tips on how to remedy a yeast infection. If you’re currently struggling with some type of yeast infection, do not be concerned, it’s relatively normal. Well over a half of females suffer from yeast infections at least once during their lifetime.
Carmen Electra lesbo play with some very nice-looking kissing action.
Carmen Electra leaked movie scene shows lesbian playWe all know that Carmen Electra is a chick and that her body is a work of art. If you’ve paid attention to interviews you know that she’s absolutely into sex too. Thus it should be no surprise that the new Carmen Electra leaked clip shows her hooking… Read more »
Learn How to Get a Vaginal Odor Cure at Home – Be Free of Embarrassment Forever
Vaginal odor is a dreadful thing to suffer from because of the huge amount of embarrassment it can cause you. Just imagine how bad it would be if you were preparing to get intimate and your partner started to wonder about the fishy smell emanating from your lower half.
Natural Ways to Cure Bacterial Vaginosis
If like many of us, you are experiencing intense frustration because those endless rounds of antibiotics just don’t permanently get rid of BV, you may have decided to explore whether there are any natural ways to cure bacterial vaginosis. I must have gone through half a dozen courses of conventional treatment before I realized that… Read more »