When you eat foods that contain sugar your blood sugar levels increase. A hormone in your body, called insulin, is released to bring the levels of sugar in your blood back to a normal level for you. This insulin helps your cells to utilize the energy from the sugar, or, if you have plenty of… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Gender
Natural Gender Selection Vs High Tech Gender Selection
There are a couple of different types of high-tech selection. Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis, or PGD, is the only 100% certain way to choose your baby’s gender.
An Introduction to Diet and Gender Selection
There are a lot of theories on how you can naturally choose the gender of your baby. One of the biggest parts of these theories revolves around diet — your diet can influence what gender you conceive. Thoughts on diet, however, are not all the same. There are various theories and thoughts on how to… Read more »
Addressing The Types Of Gender Inequality Around The World (3): Domestic Violence in the DRC
In many parts of Africa, domestic violence is a rampant phenomenon and often a taboo to address publicly. Many African countries treat it as a punishable offence constitutionally but typically fail in effective enforcement, thereby promoting the opposite to be carried out regularly in society. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (D.R.C.), it is considered… Read more »
Choose Your Next Baby’s Gender – Boy or Girl?
Mumbling, whispering, praying. “Let it be healthy, let it be healthy,” is the mantra of any pregnant woman facing the results of the 20 week sonogram. It’s the one that measures the limbs, checks the vital organs and, very often, reveals the gender.
Natural Cure For Candida – Another Look at Yeast Infection
Both men and women can use the natural cure for candida. Although candida can happen to both genders, it is women who are more prone to yeast infection. Drastic change in hormones is often the root of yeast infection for women.
Stress in Middle Aged Women
Medical professional have made the use of statistics to establish a trend in the occurrence of various disease symptoms among the distributed sections of the population. This helps them to pin point the degree of occurrence of a disease, prevailing in the different categories according to age, gender, and so on.
Get Rid of the Itch – Vaginal Yeast Infection Relief
Although yeast infections are more frequent in women, children and men can also suffer. Percentages of men and children diagnosed with yeast infections are much lower than women. Regardless of age or gender, the most common thread between yeast infection sufferers is the desperate need for yeast infection relief.
The Facts of Recurrent Yeast Infections
Women suffer many conditions that are specific to their gender, most of which are either infectious or bacterial. As a fungal condition that targets the outer vaginal area, this one is easily treatable but prone to recurring in women who are exposed to it once.
Enhance Female Libido Advice – How Your Hectic Lifestyle Affects Your Desire For Sex
It is common for people of both genders and all ages to suddenly lose their sexual desire, but are you looking to enhance female libido? Are you desperately trying to find what is missing and get back to how you were before you lost this desire? Great! This article will explain some simple precautions you… Read more »