Rather than using store bought creams and ointments to control your yeast infection symptoms wouldn’t it be more beneficial to stop the infection in its tracks by using a natural treatment? Garlic is another great anti fungal treatment option that is all natural.
Posts Tagged: fungal
Candidiasis – Know the Symptoms
When the quantity of yeast infections increasing in the human body, it gives rise to a fungal disease called Candidiasis. This disease, also known as Candida, has affected a large number of people in recent times. Therefore, it is imperative to know the symptoms of the infection beforehand so that it can be cured as… Read more »
How To Identify Symptoms Of A Yeast Infection In Women
A yeast infection (also commonly known as candidiasis). It is a fungal infection that is typically seen in warm, moist parts of the body. The type of fungus at play is called candida albicans. Vulvoginal candidiasis is a type of yeast infection that occurs in the female genitalia.
Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of a Nasty Yeast Infection
There are many names for yeast infection and Candida is one of them, the technical term for this is Candidiasis or candida which is a fungal infection. Thrush is the oral version of candida. A yeast infection can be caused by such things as a heavily detergent douche something that would interrupt the balance of… Read more »
Tips for Treating a Yeast Infection Naturally – What to Do So As to Kiss Candida Goodbye
Yeast infection is a really bothersome problem that is most commonly seen in women. Because yeast infection is classified as a fungal microbe that enjoys staying in wet and dumpy places, the vagina instantly becomes one of their favorite breeding grounds. In a recent study conducted, one out of four women is estimated to develop… Read more »
Candida Albicans Natural Treatment – Using Alternative Medicine for Treating Yeast Infections
Candidiasis is a disease caused by the overgrowth of any of the fungal species in moist and warm areas of the body. Of the species of fungi, Candida albicans is the most common disease-causing type. Although, it is normal for fungus to inhabit the skin, when there are breaks in the integrity of the skin,… Read more »
Cranberry For Treatment of Vaginal Yeast Infection – Can This Help Me?
There are numerous anti-fungal drugs that the doctors will give you that can be used to treat the vaginal yeast infection, they will just eliminate the symptoms but it will not stop the infection from reoccurring. Cranberry: Taking cranberry juice regularly can assist in eradicating candidiasis and even stop its reoccurrence. Yoghurt: This is a… Read more »
Finding Relief From Thrush – Get Rid of Candida Infections
Thrush or Candidiasis is a disease that affects not only women but also men, babies and even older people. It is commonly known as yeast infection. It is a fungal infection caused by the overgrowth of Candida, a naturally occurring yeast or microorganism in humans found on the skin, genital area and gastrointestinal tract. Sufferers… Read more »
Why Does My Yeast Infection Keep Coming Back?
So, you’ve tried everything you can think of, but you just don’t seem to be able to shake your yeast infection. Most folks think that taking and using a simple anti-fungal medication is all it takes to cure a yeast infection for good, but sadly this isn’t the case.
Anti Fungal Diet – For Treating Yeast Infections
While not as popular, having an anti fungal diet is a good treatment for yeast infection. The body naturally produces yeast. However, when the body produces too much yeast, it manifests externally in warm and moist parts of our body. This is why yeast cultures form in the oral cavity or vagina.