Society tags different labels to similar behaviors for men and women. Whereas men exhibit different frames of mind, women display mood swings.
Posts Tagged: frame
Exploring Excess Weight As an Indicator of Disappointment
It’s one thing to carry around extra pounds on your body, but excess weight may not only accumulate on your physical frame. It can also show up psychologically, emotionally and environmentally.
Cupless Bra, Can it Really Help With Breast Enhancement
The cupless bra is a bra that has been designed to have a good supportive frame and to have no cups or a very small band that cover only the underneath of the breasts which leaves the nipples exposed. In some cases the cupless bra causes the nipples to not just be exposed to to… Read more »
Sex Enhancement For Women – Does it Alter Their Physical and Mental Frame of Mind?
To lead a healthy normal active life, one must follow a balanced diet and exercise regularly. Sometimes, the food we eat does not provide the necessary nutrition that is required to take care of various problems, that can arise. Therefore, manufacturers have lined the shelves with tonics, vitamins and supplements that aim at restoring the… Read more »