Pregnancy is a wonderful stage for women. However, it may spell doom for the physical appearance. A woman isn’t able to get back to the pre-pregnancy figure and exercises and diet don’t help.
Posts Tagged: Figure
How To Treat Cramps After Periods Fast and Naturally
There are a lot of things that could create cramps after periods. So, before you can worry about treating post period pain, you need to figure out the cause of it. After all, different causes may require different treatment methods.
7 Possible Causes of Stomach Bloating In Women
Most women would love to have a perfect hourglass figure that never changes shape or size, no matter what we eat (within reason) and whatever time of the month it is. Unfortunately, this is never the case, as we all swell up to a lesser or greater degree during menstruation; and our stomachs tend to… Read more »
How I Put An End to Chronic BV
Chronic BV was something I got used to live with. I used to suffer from BV off and on for years. I sincerely followed my doctor’s advice and prescription each time that I suffered from Vaginosis. I was faithful to my husband who was my only sexual partner. We always made use of condoms while… Read more »
Why Opt for Natural Ways to Get Bigger Breasts?
Women almost always crave a great figure, accentuated by slender arms, a nice waist-to-hips ratio and firm, large breasts. Some are motivated to get bigger breasts in order to look better and stay attractive to the men they love, or simply for the sake of looking good to the world. Whatever the reason may be,… Read more »
Why Do I Keep Getting Yeast Infections?
Why do I keep getting yeast infections again and again- this question bothered me for almost a year. I was just not able to figure out the reason for repeated attacks of the infection. Over a period of time I started noticing a specific pattern. Whenever I had sex within the first week following my… Read more »
Menopause and Weight Gain – Important Facts You Might Not Be Aware Of
Getting older might mean getting wiser but it doesn’t necessarily spare you the excess pounds. In fact, the closer we women get to menopause, the more our midsections wreck havoc on our figures, making it exceedingly difficult to lose weight.
How to Get Rid of Bacterial Vaginosis Naturally? Role of Body Immunity in Preventing and Treating BV
Most of us while trying to figure out how to get rid of bacterial vaginosis naturally do not understand the significance of our body’s immune system. We tend to concentrate on identifying remedies which will provide us quick relief from symptoms of vaginosis. As a result the relief which we get is only temporary.
5 Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis Which Will Eliminate Vagina Odor In No Time
Would you believe me if I told you that after reading this article you will be able to figure out how to get rid of vaginal odor permanently? Here I am going to share with you 5 effective cures which will put an end to your fishy vaginal smell.
Dieting and Sagging Breasts – The Problems
Around this time of the year many women are looking to start new diets and improve their appearance and the look of their figures. A healthy diet is very important and coupled with proper exercises can really be a life changing event. Over the years studies have shown that while changing to a healthy diet… Read more »