If you have already tried conventional methods to deal with your fibroids or simply do not like the thought of the treatments you have been offered, you may have decided to try using holistic natural treatment for fibroids. Firstly, you must be aware that this is not a “quick fix” approach, and you will be… Read more »
Posts Tagged: fibroid
Uterine Fibroid Diet – 10 Key Elements
If you have uterine fibroids which are causing you problems, you will no doubt be exploring all your options and eating a fibroid diet is something you may have considered. Like many women, you have probably discovered the stark fact that even if you have a surgical procedure to remove your fibroids, they are likely… Read more »
What is a Fibroid Tumor and How Can Fibroids Be Treated?
A fibroid is a particular non-cancerous growth (tumor) consisting of mainly fibrous cells, similar to muscle. Fibroids develop within as well as all over the womb (uterous). Each fibroid may be as minuscule as an apple pip or as big as a melon plus they are at the same time known as uterine myomas, fibromyomas… Read more »
What Are Fibroids and Ovarian Cysts? A Honest Guide That Will Help You Find the Best Cure
You have landed on this page because you are looking for some information about either fibroids or ovarian cysts? Or maybe both? Looking to find out exactly what the difference is between them? Well, to be perfectly honest with you this is a very confusing area indeed and I am happy to provide you with… Read more »
How to Cure Fibroids Naturally Without Resorting to Surgery
If you would like to learn how to cure fibroids naturally without surgery, there are a number of very useful steps you can take. We would all prefer to avoid surgical procedures wherever possible and there is little doubt that the vast majority of us would give drug treatment a miss if we could!
What I Included in My Diet to Treat Fibroids Naturally
To treat fibroids I was not prepared to undergo hysterectomy or surgical removal of my womb. As my fibroid symptoms started getting severe I had to find ways and means to reduce the discomfort caused due to heavy bleeding and bloating of my stomach. I read extensively on the subject of treatment for uterine fibroids.
3 Popular Approaches Used by Alternative Practitioners to Shrink Uterine Fibroids
Most of the herbal and natural uterine fibroid treatment methods involve ways to reduce the effect fibroid symptoms and assist in balancing the female reproductive system. Normally to shrink uterine fibroids naturally nature cure involves strategy to handle the following 3 aspects…
Fibroids Tumor – General Information
Usually occurring on the uterus, a fibroids tumor is usually not noticeable. Most of them remain small and will not cause you to have any symptoms.
Calcified Fibroid – Older Women
While fibroids occur in the uterus, older women are more prone to develop a calcified fibroid. Women that are going through or have gone through menopause experience a decrease in estrogen.
Fibroid Tumors in the Uterus – Most Common
If fibroids do occur, they most often are fibroid tumors in the uterus. While these usually remain tiny and cause you to have no symptoms, they can become larger.