Female Orgasm Enhancers Improve Sexual Intimacy

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Studies show that females have a difficult time achieving an orgasm during sexual encounters. There are some doctors that believe the main reason why women have a difficult time climaxing is because of their psychological state during sexual intercourse. Other doctors and researchers will place all of the blame on the partner that is engaged… Read more »

Choosing The Right Female Libido Supplements For You

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There are a variety of choices available today for women with female libido supplements. You will find topical applications as well as supplements that can be taken either when needed for an added boost or daily to maintain the increase in desire. In most cases, the topical applications are intended for quick response for a… Read more »

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

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The endocrine disorders among females are of various types but the most common one is the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) which is basically an inherited disorder and can be received from either parent. The chances of occurrence of this disorder vary from 5-10% among the females of age group of 12-45 resulting in female sub-fertility…. Read more »

Pap Smear – Reporting Your Test Results

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The Pap smear is undertaken by women all over the world. Along with testing the general health of the woman the test is also used to check for cancers and tumors in the female reproductive system. The diseases which may affect the reproductive organs not only affect the reproductive system, but also the general health.