Heya I’m a female, 21
Posts Tagged: female
Causes of Female Infertility
Infertility is the inability to naturally conceive after 12 months of trying to get pregnant. Overall, infertility affects some 10% to 15% of couples in their reproductive years.
Female Sexual Dysfunction As An Aftermath Of Menopause
Menopause is inevitable in a woman’s life, usually occurring after a certain age. It can also be induced by surgical removal of the ovaries. A sudden fall in the level of sex hormones can take a toll on female sexuality. Let’s know more about the role of testosterone patches such as Intrinsa in compensating for… Read more »
Why More Women Are Making the Decision to Get Labiaplasty
For many women it all comes down to what they see as a discrepancy between how they feel on the inside and the reality of their bodies due to age, injury, childbirth, or genetics. Most women aren’t completely comfortable broaching the subject of vaginal restorative surgery with their physician, spouses, not even with their close… Read more »
3 Things That Can Make a Woman Infertile
The three most common causes of female infertility are endometriosis, fibroids and polycystic ovarian syndrome. These conditions are becoming more common due to poor food choices, stress, sedentary lifestyles and increasing exposure to environmental toxins. Conventional treatment may offer temporary relief of the symptoms of these conditions and may enable pregnancy, but often does little… Read more »
Wife Suffering From Low Sex Drive? Make Her a Cup of Coffee!
Can coffee help a woman increase her sex drive and overcome female sexual dysfunction? Although not conclusive yet, research suggests that female sexual dysfunction can be treated with caffeine. Read on to find out more on this topic.
How Can I Enjoy My Sex Life After a Hysterectomy?
Most women undergoing hysterectomy (surgical removal of the ovaries) fear if they would be able to enjoy their sex life post surgery. Female libido enhancers, such as testosterone patches, can help women regain their sexuality after hysterectomy. Go through this article to know more about testosterone patches.
Role of Testosterone in Female Sexual Function – FSD Patch Treatment
Female sexual dysfunction symptoms include loss of sexual desire, lack of sexual arousal, vaginal dryness, problems reaching orgasm, and painful sexual intercourse. This article gives you an overview of the causes and treatment of female sexual dysfunction with Intrinsa patch.
Adolescent and Older Female Athletes Need to Value Training to Play Sports
Historically, male athletes have trained to play sports and female athletes have just played their sports. There is compelling research from independent researchers that provide valued insight into why training to play sports is very important for all female athletes.
So You Have an Appointment With Your Dermatologist, Ladies: What Are You Going to Wear?
You have an appointment with your dermatologist. Before your appointment, you shower. You shave. You make sure your wearing clean underwear. But what REALLY matters when it comes to your appointment? Here are some pointers from a female dermatologist to all female patients.