Women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) suffer from a collection of physical, psychological and emotional symptoms, which start about 7 days before the onset of a menstrual period. These symptoms tend to ease with the onset of menstruation. Women with PMS report feeling irritable, angry, depressed or anxious for no particular reason.
Posts Tagged: feeling
Exercise and Endometriosis
When one experiences extreme pain from Endometriosis it is hard to believe that exercise would alleviate pain. Many Endometriosis sufferers also express feeling a more intensity of pain after performing very vigorous exercise and as such avoid it all together.
Fertility Issues – Using EFT to Overcome Negative Emotions
Susan was having difficulties getting pregnant. She had been trying for a long time and was very frustrated. She was feeling many negative emotions and feeling “like a freak” for having all these negative emotions. I reassured her that all of these feelings were normal and very common with women with fertility issues.
Ovarian Cysts Treatments – What You Can Do at Home
Have you been having slight pains in your lower back and lower abdomen? Do you have a feeling of fullness that will not go away? If these feelings and mild pains intensify just about the time your menstrual cycle is coming to an end, then you very likely suffer from ovarian cysts.
Oestrogen – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Feeling bloated, grumpy and moody before your period? Or are you finding your body changing in a not-so-pleasant way since you went through menopause? Learn about what oestrogen can do for you; where it can cause you some problems; and easy ways to balance your oestrogen levels, naturally.
No Need to Fear Bacterial Vaginosis – Get Rid of This Disease
These days, a lot of women around the world experience a common reproductive problem. A much recognized form of reproductive infection which is called as Bacterial Vaginosis or BV. This can be very alarming with in women because the disease is known as a recurring type, after being treated can still be acquired. The illness… Read more »
Bacterial Vaginosis and Its Danger to Women
Do you think you’re suffering from an annoying smelly vaginal discharge? Have you noticed a growth to your vaginal discharge as well as the shifting with the color from clear to grayish-white? For other instances, experiencing serious stomach discomfort, intensive itching, inflammation, burning feeling and oftentimes cramps? Certainly lady, you must see a doctor immediately… Read more »
Bacterial Vaginosis – Helping Getting Rid of Vaginal Odor
Maybe you are so stress now because of having bacterial vaginosis. It makes you feel so sad because it affects your relationship with your partner. I truly understand the feeling of embarrassment of having this condition. It may not consider as a severe disease but it is very embarrassing to have a smelly vagina.
Scientifically Approved Way of Treating Bacterial Vaginosis Instantly
Sick and tired of the uncomfortable feeling brought to you by the most common reproductive disease in women which is called as Bacterial Vaginosis or BV? Are you weary and fed-up of buying such expensive over the counter medicines just to get rid of the disease forever but then BV continues to attack you? The… Read more »
Worry-Free Form Bacterial Vaginosis – Treat it Instantly
Are you one of the many women around the world today who are suffering from the irritating feeling of having a reproductive disease? A very common in girls which is a problem and burden for others since the disease is a recurring type.