It is important for a new mom to get all the nutrients that she can get because these same nutrients would ultimately be fed to her infant as well. If you are a breastfeeding mother, you could find yourself asking whether vitamins are safe to use. This is a wise question especially when your infant’s… Read more »
Posts Tagged: factor
Risk Factors and Treatment of Uterine Fibroids
Here is some useful information on treatment of uterine fibroids and factors which can increase the chance of your suffering from fibroids. Uterine fibroids also referred to as fibromyomas or myomas, are non-cancerous tumors of the uterus. Hence the chance of the tumor spreading to other parts of your body is zero.
Hormone Replacement – Does It Work?
Vivelle is an alternative estrogen hormone replacement product. The body may stop producing this hormone and cause an imbalance of hormones in the body during menopause. This is when the woman’s biological clock makes the last tick. As a woman ages the probability of reproduction decreases until it stops completely. For men the clock does… Read more »
Menopause Specialists
Only a menopause specialist would know about all the factors that influence menopause phase in a woman’s life. Basically, menopause takes place when progesterone and estrogen production level decreases.
Possibilities For You That Are Available With The Help Of Rhinoplasty
There are several factors that can effect a person as well as how do they tend to perceive themselves, in the relation of their image. One of the most significant physical resources which impact the confidence individual has in themselves, in relation to image, is found with facial appearance. When an individual discovers they have… Read more »
Dry Vagina And How To Take Charge
Dry vagina is a problem faced by most women in almost every age. It is experienced by women of all ages but most common after menopause and may also occur in pregnant or lactating women and hormone replacement therapy. Other factors that are contributing to the vagina is dry, such as excessive sexual intercourse, tampon… Read more »
How To Treat Fibroids Naturally – 5 Essential Elements Of A Natural Cure
If you are wanting to learn how to treat fibroids naturally, there is both good and bad news. The good news is that natural treatment is one of the most reliable and long-lasting ways to deal with fibroids in the uterus but the bad news is that there is no single treatment which will work… Read more »
Joint Pain In Women
Study has shown that 1 in 5 adults suffer from joint pain in one way or another, from time to time. Some are unfortunate to have endured chronic joint pain and arthritis is such a common pain causes these days. When it comes to the sexes, women have a greater tendency to suffer joint pain… Read more »
The Real Cause of Candida Infection
Candida yeast infections occur in an environment that is triggered by several primary or secondary factors. There are factors and co-factors that together contribute to the overgrowth of the Candida microorganisms within your body. There are also causative factors that work to aggravate an already compromised immune system resulting in a Candida infection.
How Do Women Get Yeast Infections? Known Risk Factors and Causes
What are some of the risk factors that can enhance the chance of your contacting this infection? What are some of the known causes of which triggers this infection in women? In this article I am going to share information on some of these basic questions which women are often concerned about.