As women we tend to have many factors working against us when it comes to controlling our weight. Our once youthful metabolism has all but diminished and we are left with a weaker and much slower one. There are many contributing factors as to why women gain weight.
Posts Tagged: factor
Getting Pregnant – Is It Possible With Uterine Fibroids?
A number of factors may affect a woman’s ability to get pregnant. Some of these factors are permanent while some can be overcome. Uterine fibroid is an example of a factor that can make it more difficult for a woman to get pregnant. It does not, however, totally ruin her chances.
Uterine Fibroids Treatments Are Always Individual
Treatments for uterine fibroids are always planned individually. There are a few different treatment options for this ailment. Some factors that determine the treatment include the size, amount, and location of fibroids.
Osteopetrosis – Symptoms and Treatments
Osteopetrosis, also known as Schonberg Disease or Marble Bone Disease, is a disorder in which bones become harder and denser due to external factors or internal genetic reasons. Compared to other disorders of bones especially osteoporosis in which one’s bones become less dense and more soft and brittle due to growing age, osteopetrosis is characterized… Read more »
Is There A Medicine To Tighten A Loose Vagina?
In recent past, vagina tightening gels have become quite popular amongst women who have lost their vaginal firmness due to aging, childbirth or some other factors. But there are still many women out there who have this question in mind that why they should use a vagina tightening gel or cream.
The Average Tubal Reversal – Surgery Duration, Length of Recovery, and the Price Tag
When looking into tubal reversals one might wonder about the average tubal reversal. Of course, what an average tubal reversal means can depend upon what factors you are looking at. Do you mean average tubal reversal surgery length or average tubal reversal cost or…
Ovarian Cysts and Infertility
For most women, pregnancy is avoided at all costs. For others, getting pregnant is something that they look forward to and may even plan for. Not being able to conceive can occur to anyone. Unfortunately, there are a number of reasons why a woman would not be able to conceive. One particular factor which actually… Read more »
Yeast Infection and Its Causal Factors
Yeast infection does not only occur in women, but it can occur in men and children. The infection caused by the Candida albicans yeast can affect the skin, genital area, mouth, and intestines. Candida yeast thrives in warm, moist, and dark parts of the body such as the vagina and vulva of a woman. Yeast… Read more »
Three Lifestyle Changes to Get Rid of Vaginal Dryness
Persistent vaginal dryness can put your personal life at a standstill. Occasionally the problem is a result of hormonal changes, but most of the time it comes from certain factors in your lifestyle. Changing your lifestyle in positive ways can help you restore moisture to a dry vagina. And fortunately, all the changes you need… Read more »
Diagnosis and Treatment of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a medical condition characterized by a variety of physical and emotional symptoms felt by women before the onset of menstruation. Most common in women in their 20s and 30s, Premenstrual Syndrome is not due to a single factor as genetically, environmentally, psychologically and hormonal factors can all influence this condition.