The internet is saturated with online stores promoting organic herbal supplements for men, but let’s face it, a lack of libido is more common in women. So many every day stresses affect a woman’s sex drive. This article aims to address some of the main factors and to suggest ways of reducing or completely preventing… Read more »
Posts Tagged: event
Reoccurring Yeast Infection Prevention
There are few things which are more irritating than reoccurring yeast infections. Just when you thought you’d sorted out the problem and things start to return to some sort of normality, its back.
What is the Best & Intelligent Way of Treating Vaginal Odor?
Putting up with vaginal odor is difficult and unbearable at times. Unbearable because it disturbs a whole lot of things related to your personal relationships. It makes you self conscious and under confident to the extent of avoiding your male partner. However it is fairly simple to get rid of this foul smell if you… Read more »
Prevent Ovarian Cysts! Proven Techniques to Treat and Prevent Your Cysts
After you’ve gone through having an ovarian cyst, you want to make sure you never get another one. Ovarian cysts can be incredibly painful and frightening. Fortunately, there are ways to treat and prevent them, besides the doctor’s prescription of hormonal treatments or surgery.
Bacterial Vaginosis – How to Tell If Your Vaginosis Will Cause the Breakup of Your Relationship
When it comes down to bacterial vaginosis we often hear of the remedies and treatments, but I want to delve even deeper. I want to talk about what is really at stake and what is really important – your relationship with your spouse or partner. If you have been seeing any of these signs from… Read more »
Chronic Yeast Infections – Tips For Avoiding
If you suffer from chronic yeast infections, you understand how painful and uncomfortable they can be. Your symptoms can include terrible itching and unpleasant odors that can cause problems in your everyday life. Luckily, you’ll be able to find many preventive solutions that can eliminate a fungal infection for good.
Ovarian Cyst Treatment – What Ovarian Cyst Treatment Options Are Available For Us to Consider?
Most of these ovarian cyst treatments have already been tested and a lot of women say that they are really effective. These treatments also prevent cysts from developing into a more serious disease such as cancer.
Easy Remedies For Vaginal Odor – Try These at Home
If you have not found any remedies for vaginal odor do not despair. The musty odor and discharge from your vagina may be putting you or your partner off sexual intercourse and preventing you from having a normal fulfilled life.
Exams and Tests For Urinary Tract and Bladder Infections
There are different tests for ordinary bladder infections than there are for chronic bladder infections. You need to tell your doctor if you are prone to bladder infections and get a lot of them or if this bladder infection is an isolated event.
How to Prevent a Vaginal Yeast Infection – Here Are Very Important Things You Should Know!
Normally it is very easy to get rid of a yeast infection but in some rare cases it comes back. If untreated it could ruin your life. An example is that of chronic candida that reappears every time it is managed to be suppressed. After some time it gets harder and harder to suppress even… Read more »