Is Surgery for Your Pelvic Floor Absolutely Necessary?

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Your pelvic floor is an amazing part of your body. Think of all the functions it controls – it maintains bladder and bowel continence, puts the “oomph” in orgasm, prevents pelvic organ prolapse and plays a vital role in spinal stability. Yet many women, including myself, don’t know how to improve or prevent problems, where… Read more »

Is Anemia Preventing You From Conceiving a Baby?

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If you are trying to conceive, anemia may be delaying your plans. Anemia is a common disorder among women, primarily caused by iron deficiency. If your body is fighting to stay healthy, you may be less fertile. Eating a diet rich in minimally processed, iron rich foods can help prevent anemia and insure your body… Read more »

Several Methods for Pregnancy Prevention

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There are several ways to prevent pregnancy as there are a wide range of contraceptive measures available on the market that help prevent pregnancy as well as sexually transmitted diseases. However, contraception like any other medical procedure has advantages as well as disadvantages. One method of preventing pregnancy such as the calendar month method are… Read more »

6 Things To Know About Ovarian Cysts and Cancer

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Cancer can develop in anyone, at anytime and anywhere within the body, including the reproductive system. If you have symptoms for ovarian cysts, it does not mean that the cyst will be cancerous, but it is possible that cancer could occur. Cancer can be expensive to cure so preventative measures should be taken if possible.

6 Ovarian Cyst Causes

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A small pocket of fluid that develops in the ovary is called an ovarian cyst. This type of cyst will appear during the years that a woman can bear a child. In addition, the cysts are normally considered harmless. However, if the cyst grows or ruptures, for example, then medical attention is required. The possible… Read more »

4 Types of Ovarian Cysts You Need To Know

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Throughout a woman’s lifetime, she will experience a number of ovarian cysts. Thankfully, many of the cysts that will form and grow will not cause any medical issues. However, it is possible for an ovarian cyst to cause symptoms that will concern the woman. Preventing cysts is the goal and being educated about the 4… Read more »