Women do wish to increase their sexual desire but they often find it embarrassing to discuss it even with their doctors. Though there are some who do talk about it, when it comes to taking medications, they are quite reluctant in doing so.
Posts Tagged: Embarrassing
Hair Removal DIY – Waxes and Depilatories
Waxing at salons and spas can be seen as a luxury or embarrassing to some, yet it is undeniably an effective method of hair removal without the inconvenience of shaving every other day. Their answer to the problem? Do-It-Yourself waxing at the privacy of your own homes.
Help For Vaginal Dryness – 3 Best Strategies For Curing Painful And Embarrassing Vaginal Dryness
Are you looking for help for vaginal dryness? You’re not alone…
5 Great Natural Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis
One of the most unpleasant and embarrassing problems that women have to put up with is bacterial vaginal infection, Vaginosis. The root cause of this infection in most cases remains a mystery. Natural cures for bacterial vaginosis are an excellent way to handle this infection once and for all.
Natural Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis – Why They Work Better Than Other Methods
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is a very embarrassing condition that most women have to suffer from at least once in their lives. It occurs when the pH balance of the vagina is disrupted, causing an explosion in the numbers of anaerobic bacteria.
Persistent Vaginal Odor Due to BV – Get a Quick Fix For the Bad Odor
Do you suffer from embarrassing vaginal odor that simply refuses to go away? There could be many reasons for it, but one of them could be Bacterial Vaginosis.
Vaginal Odor Caused by BV – Get Rid of it For Good
Vaginal odor is not just an embarrassing condition, but it is also accompanied by an itching and burning sensation in the vagina. There could be many reasons for vaginal odor such as diseases like Chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhea or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.
What Causes a Red Rash Under the Breast?
Are you suffering from a very uncomfortable red rash under your breasts? This can be a very painful and embarrassing condition.
7 Steps to Resolving Vaginismus Or the Inability to Have Intercourse
As a sex therapist in private practice in Orange County and Riverside, I treat many women with vaginismus. Vaginismus is a frustrating and embarrassing condition that affects thousands of women, even though most women that have it feel very alone.
BV Cure – Learn the Options Available
Bacterial Vaginosis (bv) is an infectious condition that affects the vagina and is characterized by a foul-smelling discharge which is both uncomfortable and embarrassing. The normal female vagina has a flora of good bacteria which are necessary for the normal functioning and pH maintenance. But when a woman’s immune status is affected, these good bacteria… Read more »