Traditional Chinese medicine includes acupuncture and the use of Chinese herbs formulated specifically or your condition. For 5000 years, gynecology related conditions have been effectively treated with the use of TCM. Western medicine as were know it has only been in existence for 200+ years.
Posts Tagged: Effectively
Using the Natural Menopause Treatment Effectively
All around the world a lot of women are reported to have been engaged in the use of natural menopause treatment. While some have worked others have proven to be ineffective in the long run.
Treat Bacterial Vaginosis Naturally and Effectively!
For some women, bacterial vaginosis is just too embarrassing to consult their doctor about. When they eventually do, the only option available to them is to treat bacterial vaginosis with antibiotics, which works as a quick remedy, but often the problem reappears within a couple of months.
Treat Bacterial Vaginosis Naturally and Effectively!
For some women, bacterial vaginosis is just too embarrassing to consult their doctor about. When they eventually do, the only option available to them is to treat bacterial vaginosis with antibiotics, which works as a quick remedy, but often the problem reappears within a couple of months.
BV Cure – Top Secret Natural Methods Revealed For the First Time
If you are looking for a natural BV cure, you have plenty of choices. There are a number of natural substances that you can use to treat bacterial vaginosis quite effectively.
Yeast Infection Treatment
Candida species are common and are present in human oral and intestinal environments. Yeast infections can be effectively treated using anti-fungal drugs.
Endometriosis – Common and Distressing
Endometriosis is actually a widespread condition of a female’s reproductive areas. It is frequently connected with distressing monthly periods, and if left without treatment, may result in difficulties, such as trouble conceiving a child and the development of unpleasant scarring. There is no cure, but it may be effectively dealt in other ways to reduce… Read more »
Recognizing Yeast Infections Symptoms
Symptoms can be extremely painful, uncomfortable and embarrassing, and it is important to recognize them straight away, the sooner the better, as the sooner you know what you are dealing with the sooner you can treat the symptoms effectively. Many people will suffer from a yeast infection at some time in their lives, and although… Read more »
An ancient Thai “miracle” herb reveals itself to be a real-life fountain of youth
The direct translation of mirifica is “miracle-maker.” And when I heard what this herb could do, I decided that the name couldn’t be more appropriate. For centuries, Pueraria Mirifica has been working magic that (until now, at least) most of us have only seen in big-budget Hollywood films-or in our absolute wildest dreams. And if… Read more »