Vaginal dryness can be one of the most disturbing sexual problems for any woman. However, there are some natural supplements and lubricants that are the best cure for treating this female sexual disorder.
Posts Tagged: Eating
Uterine Fibroid Diet – 10 Key Elements
If you have uterine fibroids which are causing you problems, you will no doubt be exploring all your options and eating a fibroid diet is something you may have considered. Like many women, you have probably discovered the stark fact that even if you have a surgical procedure to remove your fibroids, they are likely… Read more »
How to Naturally Treat a Yeast Infection at Home With Remedies That Prevent Reoccurring Yeast Infect
Honestly, is there any lady that really enjoys having to deal with itchy, inflamed skin, a burning sensation during sex and while urinating. Not to mention the disgusting fishy smell and white cottage cheese like discharge that sometimes happens. These are just two of the many natural remedies I found for treating thrush and bacterial… Read more »
Treating Chronic Yeast Infections the Natural Way
Nearly all women will experience vaginal yeast infection at some time in their lives. A type of fungus, Candida albicans, is usually present in the mouth, digestive tract, skin and vagina. However, this typically maintains homeostasis (in the vagina) and does not usually present a disease or illness. Nevertheless, when balance is lost, candida starts… Read more »
Treating Bacterial Vaginosis – Get Rid of BV With These Top Home Remedies
There are a number of advantages in treating bacterial vaginosis (BV) naturally. Natural cures for BV are safe, effective, and long lasting. They also reduce the risk of recurrent infections considerably. So, understandably, a lot of people have started looking for natural cures to treat BV.
Safe Yeast Remedy
Safe yeast remedies are very important when treating a yeast infection. These natural remedies will not harm your body because they are not filled with chemicals. There are several natural remedies out there that can and will cure your yeast infection, you just need to find the one that is right for you.
Safe Yeast Remedy
Safe yeast remedies are very important when treating a yeast infection. These natural remedies will not harm your body because they are not filled with chemicals. There are several natural remedies out there that can and will cure your yeast infection, you just need to find the one that is right for you.
Ovarian Cyst – What Can Cause Them? What Should We Do If We Think We Have Them?
Many women think treating these cysts is difficult and their only option is medications or surgery. With so much information at our finger tips more and more women are finding natural ways in dealing with these issues.
Treating Ovarian Cysts – 4 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Ovarian Cysts in Double Quick Time
Ovarian cyst is a common problem that is faced by women, especially during their reproductive years. While these cysts are more often than not harmless, they are sometimes known to cause pain and be therefore annoying.
All Natural Yeast Infection Cures
Many studies reveal that candida, the main type of yeast which leads to an infection, fosters in individuals who have high sugar eating plans. Candida lives on sugar, so one of the best natural yeast infection cures is to reduce your sugars.