Just wanted to share this. Apparently using a dermaroller can help increase product absorption by creating little channels in the skin. Thus potentially making the product more effective. You can use needle sizes 0.2mm or 0.25mm which are very small needles that are safe enough for daily use and wont damage the skin. At this… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Eating
Daisy Birthing Classes Are About Relaxation, Breathing And Movement
Relaxation of the body and mind is essential during pregnancy and labour. it is important for a mother to remain mentally relaxed as if she is exposed to long-term stress and anxiety this can have a negative impact on her body. The immune system can be affected creating a higher risk of illness and increased… Read more »
Trying to Lose Weight After Pregnancy? Drink Water or Die
Most new moms trying to lose pregnancy weight just don’t drink enough water. Many of my “mom clients” that are on their weight loss track are so focused on eating right and getting in their daily exercise session that they fall short on what is the #1 most important thing to do for your body.
Pregnant? Is Exercise Right for You?
Many women worry about the weight gain that is inextricable with pregnancy. You often hear women talking about their bodies before and after baby, and how pregnancy really wreaked havoc on their body’s shape and their ability to lose weight. Since we live in such a body-image obsessed world, in which flawlessly skinny celebrities are… Read more »
Why Eating Healthy Is Not Always Enough to Heal Endometriosis
I know when I first found out I had Endometriosis, I went on a 360degree conversion in my eating. I thought that I could somehow dull the pain and heal myself through eating the right foods. I believed that it would be okay if I just ate healthy and led a less stressful life. Unfortunately,… Read more »
How Important Is Healthy Eating During Your Pregnancy?
If there is one time in your life during which it is crucial to have a healthy diet it is during pregnancy. Fetal development depends on not only the health of the mother, but also what she is putting into her body. Toxins and preservatives hinder the fetuses ability to develop healthily during pregnancy, and… Read more »
Is It Time to Visit an Infertility Clinic?
For many people, the greatest goal in their life is to become a mother or father. Creating and raising a child with someone you love is probably the most amazing experience a human being can have.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – Prevention Is The Best Treatment
All too often Western doctors will prescribe medication for symptoms of a disease first before they will treat the illness. More importance is focused on treating pain and discomfort rather than going right to the cause of the medical condition. The symptoms are clues that need to be examined to discover and treat the underlying… Read more »
Healthy Meal Suggestions for Breastfeeding Moms
The breastfeeding diet focuses on healthy eating for both mother and baby. There are certain pieces of nutrition to focus on, but for the most part eating healthy in general is the key. We have compiled a few meal and snack ideas for our nursing moms.
Starting An Effective Endometriosis Diet That Eliminates The Potential For Candida Overgrowth
An effective endometriosis diet can have a significant impact on the pain and other common symptoms of endometriosis and may even help to regular and prevent Candida overgrowth. Numerous studies have shown that women who implement anti-Candida diets have received notable improvements in their issues with endometriosis. This and other research has shown that strategic… Read more »