Postpartum depression can be a very real problem for mothers. Many mothers feel some “ups and downs” after their babies are born. The sad feelings are commonly called “the baby blues.” Though a mother may feel down when she’s not getting enough sleep or can’t comfort her baby, the feeling doesn’t persist. Postpartum depression is… Read more »
Posts Tagged: doesn
Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome – Is It True?
Many women have been told that Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome does not happen. If it doesn’t happen then why are so many women faced with the same issues.
Is There A Bacterial Vaginosis Cure?
At the first signs of symptoms a woman will find herself asking: is there a bacterial vaginosis cure? What if a woman doesn’t even have any symptoms of bacterial vaginosis, but her doctor tells her there’s an issue, what should she do then? What are some of the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis? These may be… Read more »
Fibroids In The Uterus – You May Need Some Professional Help
Do you believe that you have uterine fibroids? You are not alone. Fibroids are actually very typical among women throughout their child-bearing years. Normally these benign tumors do not cause any symptoms for a woman, and it is actually very typical that a woman doesn’t even realize she has them.
Effective Natural Remedies for Menstrual Cycle Pains
Taking medication to fight menstrual cycle pains usually doesn’t work. At least, it only works for a very short time. Why is that? Well, most medications are meant to reduce pain, but not reduce the actual causes of menstrual pains, such as an excessive amount of hormones in the system.
Diva Cup – Feminine Hygiene Protection (Menstrual Cup)
Are you tired of running to the bathroom to change your tampon or pad? How many times have you stained your sheets, underwear or worse yet, your clothes? Guys, how many times have you been disappointed because your partner doesn’t want to venture to far or need to take her home due to her clothes… Read more »
Home Remedies For Menstrual Cramps That Are Proven To Work
If you’ve ever taken a medication to try to fight menstrual symptoms, you may have noticed that it doesn’t always work, at least not for long. Basically, medications only treat the pain, not the actual issue. Not only that, but they contain harsh chemicals, often come with side effects and only work for a few… Read more »
There’s A Good Reason Why Your Yeast Infection Keeps Coming Back
When your yeast infection keeps coming back it’s not something that can be ignored. For one, you have uncomfortable symptoms that require constant treatment. And two, you have fungus feeding on your body, and if it doesn’t get eliminated from your body it will soon destroy your good health. That is the last thing you… Read more »
What Are The Most Common Symptoms Of A Yeast Infection?
Most women at one point or another will suffer from a yeast infection. This condition can cause feelings of embarrassment, but the truth of the matter is many women experience yeast infections periodically. Research has shown that nearly 50% of all women will get it at least once, while 5% will suffer from a recurring… Read more »
Menopause, Night Sweats and Hot Flashes
Well, after turning 40 I started having trouble reading and ended up wearing glasses with progressive lenses. My back started hurting and I had some issues there. And then the change started. Hot flashes? That doesn’t begin to tell the story.