If there is something that annoys women of all ages to death, that is nothing but yeast infection. Also known as Candida, this is the number one reason of discomfort in women. It is usually accompanied with a burning and itching feeling. However, the fact that there is a lot of yeast infection no more… Read more »
Posts Tagged: discomfort
Yeast Infections in Women – The Sneaky Symptoms You May Not Spot In Time
When we think of yeast infections in women we automatically think of vaginal yeast infections and the common symptoms that accompany this medical complaint. There is the discharge, the burning sensation when you try to urinate, discomfort during sexual intercourse and that is before you start on the odd red color that you have noticed… Read more »
Warning Wearing High Heels Alters Anatomy
Few women can resist wearing high heels, and we’ll wear them despite any pain they might cause just for what they do for our legs. They can make an outfit, make a statement… making a little discomfort a small price to pay.
Natural Yeast Infection Cure – Take Your Life Back
The issue with prescribed medicines and creams is that in addition to often times bringing along a number of unpleasant side effects, many times women find that these solutions are only temporary fixes designed to alleviate discomfort and they find that before too long within a few months that infection comes roaring back. For all… Read more »
Vaginal Dryness Healthy Genital Tips – Stop Dry Vagina Pain During Sex
Is your vagina dry and you do not know what has caused the vaginal dryness? First, let us make it clear that it is not a life threatening condition. However, I cannot say it will not cause discomfort and depending on different times, painful too.
The Pain of Carrying Huge Breasts
Most people believe that it is better to have bigger breasts because they do not know the pain of carrying huge breasts. Large breasts can be really painful and women who are suffering from the discomfort of carrying big breasts will agree that bigger is not always better.
Natural Ways to Ease Yeast Infection Symptoms
Suffering from yeast or Candida infection can bring so much discomfort that sufferers want to find a quick solution to ease yeast infection symptoms. The infection is caused by the overgrowth of Candida, a fungus normally present in human body. People suffering from this infection usually suffer from symptoms like itching, soreness and burning sensation… Read more »
4 Simple Ways to Control Your Yeast Infection
Having a yeast infection is what every person dreads. As annoying as it can be, its symptoms are grave and very discomforting. Yeast infection can occur anywhere in the body. Many people resort for instant relief from its symptoms instead of taking measures to curb the root cause.
The Real Key to Natural Cures For Ovarian Cysts
Does a natural cure for ovarian cysts really reverse the cycle of pain, discomfort and worry that you have to live with when a cyst is diagnosed or maybe flares up yet again. What if you could turn back the clock to a time when you felt healthy fit and alive? A time when you… Read more »
Ovarian Cysts – What They Are and How They Affect You
If you have experienced ovarian cysts at one time or another, they either went away on their own or they caused you significant pain and discomfort. In order to plan the best way of action, you need information on ovarian cysts – what they are and how they affect you.