Fighting Cellulite

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Adiposis endematosa, also known as cellulite, manifests itself as a dimpled, orange peel, or cottage cheese look. It can begin as early as the teenage years. Even so, it can also occur following pregnancy, weight gain, menopause, or just about any time.

Ridding Yourself of Cellulite

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Cellulite is the formation of dips and dimples in the skin, most commonly around the hips, thighs and buttock areas. Cellulite leaves the surface of your skin resembling the texture of cottage cheese. It is one of the more frustrating problems, because exercise seems to have little effect on the trouble areas.

Best Ways to Increase Female Libido

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Most women experience a dip in their sex drive as they move towards middle age. There can be a lot of causes behind this. However, there are some natural ways to increase female libido. One of the best ways to do so is with the help of herbal or natural supplements.

lets get into details:

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As breasts are mostly composed of adipose tissue, their size can change over time if the woman gains or loses weight. It is also typical for them to grow in size during pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding, mainly due to hypertrophy of the mammary gland in response to the hormone prolactin. The size of a woman’s… Read more »